Chapter 11: Bad Reunion

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"Why", The whole camp shouted. "Well, there is a war coming and Zeus insisted we have to help them", Artemis Said. I was angry, but i knew Artemis didnt want to go to. "Well at least we get to show those Campers never to mess with my brother", said lucy. I have been getting really close to her. She is my sister AND my best friend. Along with all the other hunters. And as long as i stay with my sisters i was fine. Well i hoped so. "Lets move out", shouted Thalia. We all packed up and walked over to Camp Half-Blood. The whole way there lucy was on my shoulders, since she complained about walking to much and her bag being to heavy. "We are there", said Artemis. I snapped my fingers and i was wearing a cloak. We walked into the middle of camp and Chiron spoke. "These are the hunters", he said. Then I saw Kevin. "Oh these people", he said. He took of his T-Shirt. I pulled out my Arrow and shot his arm, i had enough of this guy flirting. "Why did you shoot him", came a sad voice of annabeth. "Well you should know out of all people i dont like it when someone flirts with my sisters, wait i forgot your to dumb to know that", i said Bitterly. "Well your a male in a females camp", she retorted. "Well im their gardian and im the new god", i said. "Then show your self coward", shouted kevin. "Oh i forgot your working for Kronos", i said. Being the god of demigods, i knew his secrets. "Liar", he said. "Remember im the god of demigods", i said. All the campers looked at Kevin. I walked up to him and punched his face. He fell on the ground, filled with fear. I reached for his pocket and reached out a necklace with a scythe on it, the symbol of Kronos. The whole camp Gasped. "YOU ARE NOW BANISHED FROM THIS CAMP FOREVER, AND WILL NO LONGER BE A DEMIGOD", I shouted. The whole camp gasped even more. Kevin started fading, he was now being sent to another place in the world. Then Annabeth ran to me. "Why did you kick him out. BRING HIM BACK", she screamed at me. Then Lucy saw what was happening. She pulled out and arrow and shot her. Annabeth screamed then turned to her and pulled out her knife. "WHY YOU LITTLE BI-", before she could finish I kicked her on the nose and I heard a crack. Then she fell down unconscious. "Take her to the infirmary", I told the nearest camper to me. He nodded. "How did you know", said Thalia , running up to me. "Really Thals, I'm the god of demigods and if I were you, I would tell Nico you have a crush  on him", I said snickering. "If you EVER tell him I will kill you", she said threateningly. "Ok, Ok", I said. I regrouped with the other hunters and we walked to the hunters cabin. "So what do we do now", I asked Artemis. "Well, we have orders from Zeus to train the hunters", she said. I nodded. It was still early, we might be training them in a few minutes. "When", I asked. "Well in a few minutes", she said. We unpacked our bags and walked out of our cabin. We all spread out, except Lucy, who followed me the whole time. "Do you want to look around camp with me", I asked her. She nodded. "Where do you want to go", I asked. "The beach", she said. I picked her up and put her and my back and flew. 15 seconds later we arrived at one of my Old favorite places to be. "Well, here", I said. Pointing at the beach. "It's beautiful", was all she could say. I couldn't agree more, but then I thought of the betrayal. This is where it all started, this is where I got betrayed. I pushed that thought away and looked at Lucy. "Come on Lucy, we have some campers to teach", I told her. I picked her up one more time and flew. I dropped of at the hunters Cabin where all the hunter were waiting for me. "Is it time to teach", I asked. "We're going in a few minutes", said Phoebe. "Lady Artemis said she would come back then we would go", said Atlanta. "I'll be in the forest, call me when it's time", I said. All the hunters nodded. I walked through the forest, just walking. I was hoping to find something. But so far nothing was going on, and that was weird. The war was supposed to start, but then there was no sign of any monsters. That's when I heard a scream, and what was even worse. I think I knew who screamed. I ran to where the scream came from. I saw a defenseless Artemis, she was being attacked by about 100 monsters. And she wasn't doing so well. I took out my 2 blades and ran at the monsters. I swiped at the closest HellHound, making it fade strait away. Then I leaped from where I was to a nearby cyclops. I slashed its head of and bounced of its shoulders, sending me higher in the air. I took out my hunter bow, even though I was really bad I did get some practice. I shot 3 arrows at once and all hit their targets, I landed on the ground sending lightning to all the monsters around me to tartarus. Then I walked to Artemis while shooting other monsters, she wasn't that wounded but she did have a huge cut down the side of her cheek. I gave her the bow I had and some arrows, she nodded a thanks. Artemis and I turned back to face all the monsters, there was still about 40. I charged while Artemis shot at the monsters from behind. I leaped in the air and at the same time  flipped backwards. My hands and swords sparkled with electricity. I landed on the ground and thrust both my of my swords I to the ground. A wave of water with sparks of electricity shot at the monsters, killing about 10, another 30 to go. Artemis was picking more of with her bow. Then I saw one of the hunters cut her leg. She screamed and fell down. Anger boiled in my body. My body raised in the air a little and my hands were either side of my waist. My eyes turned from my sea green eyes to Galaxy eyes. The ground around me rose up into the air while Artemis was surrounded in an orb of water. Some monsters turned and TRIED to run but the ground opened in half and the monsters that tried to run away were sent to tartarus. Then the ground settled back into its place while my hands summoned black mist, I turned and pointed it at the remaining monsters. The mist instantly surrounded them, instantly killing them. Then it all stopped, there was no more
monsters. I ran to Artemis but she shivered in fear, was I that scary. "It's fine I won't hurt you", I said. I got closer to her and touched her leg, the gash she had started closing up. Then I touched the gash on her cheek, it also started closing up."better",I asked. "Better", she said. I pulled her up and wrapped her hand around My neck and walked to the hunters cabin. I was tired, really tired. It wasn't like you could summon so much powers and still feel like a kid who won the lottery. Then I spotted the cabin and walked in, only to be met by a knife to my throat.

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