Chapter 9: I Get A New Sister. And Shot Again

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I walked into camp and didnt see percy. I walked to Thalia to ask where he was. "Thalia, where is percy", i said. "I kicked him out of the camp. He was a filthy male.",she said biterly. "What did he do", i asked."Ask Atlanta", she said. I walked to atlanta. "What happened", i said. "H-He told me w-what he wanted to do. And i said no. And he beat me up", she said."You are lying", came a voice. I turned around and saw my brother Apollo. The god of the sun and truth. "Im not", she said. "Then he would've faded away. He swore on Chaos", said Apollo. "What Happened", he shouted. "I acted like i was hurt. But it was all make up", she said. The thalia ran at Atlanta and pheobe. "YYOOUU LLIIEEDD", she screamed. Thalia started beating the hell out of them. "Do you want to know what happened",i said. They nodded. And after the iris video i showed them, they were crying out of guilt. "We didnt know", they screamed. All i hope is that percy comes back.


After i was kicked out of the camp, i found a nearby group of monsters. And in the middle was 1 demigod. It was a little girl crying. I couldnt stand it I ran into the monster camp and destroyed all the monsters. I raised my hand while running and shadows appeared and killed the monsters. I took out both of my swords and swung at everything that came in my way. A hellhound tried to jump on my but i slashed the hound in half. The shadow people were slashing at the monsters with shadow swords. Then it all ended. All the monsters dissapeard. I ran to the girl. "Are you ok", i said. 'Dont hurt me", she said. "I wont hurt you, im here to help", i said. "Promise", she said. "promise", i said. She stood up and ran to me. I picked her up and put her on my back. "Now i will take you to my family and you can live there with us", i said. She nodded. "Are you hungry", i asked. She nodded again. I summoned pizza for her. She took it and munched on it while i walked to the hunters camp. I got into the camp unnoticed.And i saw Pheobe and Atlanta talking to artemis. I walked to them, but first i put the girl down. I walked up to them, and what happened was not was what i expected. Pheobe and Atlanta ran at me and hugged me.I hesitated but then i hugged back. But then i was shot by and arrow. I fell down and looked at my wound. It was poisoned. The girl ran to me. And i still do not her name. I know it shouldn't of hurt, but i was never poisoned in tarturas. I turned to look at who shot me. And I saw two hunters with their bows at the ready. "Are you ok", The one on the right said. "You idiot, it was my choice to hug him", shouted Atlanta. Phoebe nodded. They ran to me, beside the girl and started to try take out the wound. "Sorry", said one of the hunters. "Sorry does not cut it, leave", shouted the girl. The last thing I heard was Artemis asking the girl what her name was.
"Lucy Jose",
"Your father",
" Posioden",
And at that, I blacked out.

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