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Aria had just gotten back from a three day trip to Boston (they are married)
Aria POV
I slowly unlock the door to Ezra and I huge condo, slowing tip toeing up the stairs to are bedroom. With his gift in my hand I quietly push open the door with my foot reveling my sleeping husband in the middle of the bed. I continue my tip toeing trying to not wake till I get to the bed, I slowly raise my right hand  rubbing his back trying to wake him up.
"Did you miss me?" I whisper in his ear as he stirs
Out of no where I get pulled onto the bed and smothered with kisses.
"Your awake?" I ask him he only nods
"I missed you, never leave" he begs hiding his head in my neck
"You are such a child" I tell him
"I know" he replies
"I brought you a gift" I tell him and his eyes light up like a child at Christmas
"For me?" He questions I nod putting a small brown bag in front of him
He pulls off the tape hiding the inside, curious of what is inside. A frown creeps upon his face as he see's it is only a mug.
"Pull it out" I tell him rolling my eyes
He pulls out the mug being extremely careful, once he reads The World's best dad his smile grows wide
"Your pregnant?" He asks I slowly not
Ezra scoops me up in his arms where he starts kissing me before placing his hands on our child     

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