Emison dinner party

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This will be the only one shot that is not primary about Ezria
Emily pov
"Morning babe" I say
"Morning" Alison said pulling me into a kiss
"I can't believe I'm about to become  Mrs.Fields"  Alison said
"I can't ether"I say
4 hours later @Lost woods
"Surprise" Spencer yells showing us the same table and fairy lights like Aria and Ezra but with a karaoke center for Ali and I.
"Who hungry?" Aria asks
As we all all sit I nudge Ali shoulder
"Ask him" I say
"No I don't know how" Alison said
"Ezra" I say
"Hmm"he said
"Ali has something she needs to ask you" I say
"Thanks Em" Alison said
"What is it?" Ezra asks
"Do you still love to teach?" Alison asks
"Yeah" Ezra said confused
"Well Mr. Hackett couldn't find a sub for my five week honeymoon and when I asked the kids in my class which one of the teachers at Rosewood do they want to sub, and one person said well their was this one teacher in 2010 I think his name Mr. Hottie but can we have him if you know who it is" Alison said
"And what did you say"Ezra asks
"Well I said as much accurate as the Mr. Hottie statement is his name is actually Mr.Fitz but I mean you could always call him that but I will ask.
And when I said that they girls went yay and one raised her hand and said I heard he into younger girls and lucky for me I am a 16 and 1/2 single young lady and I looked at her and said yes he is but before you get all flirty he has a wife and then they all had sad puppy dog faces but they still want you so they can have a hot teacher experience" Alison said
"So will you do it?" I ask
"Yeah I will is that ok with you Aria?" Ezra asks
"I am cool with it as long as you don't leave me for another 16 year old" Aria said
"Never your my only I love you" Ezra said
"I love you too" Aria said
"Now Ali was that so hard" I ask
"Nope" Ali said
"So karaoke?" Hanna asks
"Sure" we all reply

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