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Aria pov
"I don't need to know what we are tonight I just need to be with you" I say and Ezra pulls me into a hug
"So what happened?" Ezra asks as we walk and sit on the couch
"What do you mean?" I ask
"Less than twenty minutes ago you said I need to think about and your here not that I don't like having you here I do" Ezra says
"Well I got a call from Spencer to go to snookers a bar near Hollis and look for a British guy there was no British guy but guess what played and you will know why I am here" I say
"B26 you heard it and immediately thought of me and that brought you here" Ezra says
"Correct" I say
"Well at least I know you didn't make out with anyone else in a bathroom because I kinda had that advantage over other guys" Ezra says and I laugh
"I forgot how amazing you laugh is and how beautiful your smile is" Ezra says putting a strain of my hair
"Ezra we can't now" I say
"Liam I understand" Ezra says sad
"Ezra you can kiss me after I finish making a call" I say  and FaceTime Liam
L- hey babe
A- please don't call me babe
L- why?
A- we need to break up
L- why
A- were not going to work I been meaning to breakup for a while but I didn't know how
L- Your with someone else
A- I'm sorry
L- this is what I get for dating a bitchy slut who dated her English teacher I hope you and Mr. Fitz go to hell
Liam's ends call
I start crying and Ezra comes and wipes my tears
"Hey don't believe a thing he said your not a bitch or a slut and your not going to Hell and even if you were at least I'm going with you" Ezra says and I laugh
"You always know how to make me laugh even when I'm upset" I say
" I know I learned it over the years of knowing you" Ezra says kissing me
"Ezra can I tell you something?" I ask
"Yes you can tell me anything" Ezra says
"I been holding this in since I saw you in the Brew because I wasn't sure if you felt the same and I still don't but I fell like I still don't know but I'm gonna say it I love you" I say
"I Love also Aria I never stopped" Ezra says and I kiss him
"I never stoped ether" I say
"So about my offer of staying the night" Ezra says
"Can I?" I ask
"Yes" Ezra says and we walk up stairs
"Here is your favorite shirt if mine" he says tossing me the sweatshirt
"Wow after five years later you still remember my favorite shirt" I say
"Not only that I know you sleep on the left side of a bed because you feel safer, you eat gummy bears head first so that they don't feel any pain but you don't eat the green ones because they taste weird and you read every book ever twice and always have a strong opinion and when your excited you get a wrinkle in between your eyebrows and lastly you have the cutest nickname Pooki Bear" Ezra says and I toss a pillow at him
"Why are you picking on me you laugh in your sleep weirdo" I say and he laughs
"Wow" Ezra says as I take of my shirt and bra
"What it not like you haven't seen it before" I say
"True But Your still sexy" Ezra says
"You ready to sleep?" I ask and Ezra nods before I cuddle up to his side and sleep peacefully then ever before       

Ezria one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now