Your not going to belive it

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Aria pov
The moment my life changed 3:30 Friday afternoon, I flip over the last test preparing for the worse.
I'm pregnant! That seemed like an impossible dream that has become a reality. But how to tell Ezra I say tapping my chin that's when it hits me.
Ezra is in Boston he coming back just before dinner and I will tell him during dinner. What to cook? What to cook? I think hmm. That when it hits me I make my recipe enchanted Mac and cheese.
Three and a half hours later
"Babe what smells so good?" Ezra questions taking his coat since it chilly outside
"Enchanted Mac and cheese" I tell him looking up
"Are we celebrating something I'm not aware of?" Ezra asks
"No I can't cook my husband dinner?" I ask
"Oh you can I love when you cook" Ezra says pecking me on the lips
"I missed you" I tell him
"I missed you too babe" Ezra says grabbing a noodle
"Shit that hot!" Ezra yelps
"Wow food in a boiling pan is hot, I didn't know that" I say sarcastically as Ezra rolls his eyes
"Can you kiss it?" Ezra asks pouting
I take his burnt finger places a small kiss on it.
"Better?" I ask and Ezra nods in response
"So Mrs.Fitz do today?" Ezra asks
"Binge watched friends" I reply honestly
"Without me? You bitch" Ezra jokes
"Oh I'm so not sorry" I joke
"Dinner done" I burst out
"Yay! I'm starving" Ezra groans

After about 15 minutes of us talking about Ezra's meeting with Jillian I decide to tell Ezra the news.
"Your never going to believe it" i tell him as he looks up curiously 
"What?" Ezra asks
"I'm pregnant" I tell him as he drops his fork
"Really?!" Ezra asks
"Here open this" I say passing him a box with my three positive pregnancy tests
"Oh my god, I can't believe it" Ezra says smiling
"We're having a baby" I tell him grasping his hand  

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