Married life

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Ezra pov
I take Aria hand as we walk hand and hand to our apartment. I quickly unlock the door ready to take Aria dress of. I open the door and Aria walks in first and I crash my lips onto her and I unzip her dress letting if fall to floor as she slips off her shoes and I do too. Aria unbuttons my shirt slipping it off and it falls to the ground I pick her and she wraps her legs around my waist are lips never parting as I carry her up the stairs. I lay her down on the bed as I slip off her bra and underwear and she unbuttons my pants. Before kissing me again and tilts her head to the right as I kiss and occasionally nibbling down her neck hearing her moan in pleasure one of my favorite things I love about Aria Marie Fitz.
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" Aria says kissing me again and running her fingers through my hair. I kiss her lips and intertwine my fingers in with her as I insert myself into her kissing her neck again hearing her leg out a moan as I kiss her lips again I soon exit out of her as we had finish and cuddle up next to each other falling asleep.

That morning

"Good morning Beautiful" I say kissing her nose and her amazing hazel eyes open
"Good morning handsome, I love waking up next to you" Aria says placing a kiss on my lips
"Mmh I love you" I say
"I love you too" Aria says
"Ezra,Aria are you ready to go?" Spencer says
"Shit I totally forgot that she was giving us a ride to the airport"I say
"I did to" Aria says as we jump up and quickly throw on clothes
"Well now I know what you were doing last night" Spencer says with a giant grin on her face
"Shut up" I say
"Ouch" Spencer says
"Are you ready to go?" Aria asks
"Yes the sooner I drop you off the sooner I get to see Toby" Spencer says
"Aww Spoby" Aria says
"No Spoby yet just friends" Spencer says
"With benefits"I say
"No will maybe I mean his wife died" Spencer says
"And That was a year ago he had time to grief" Aria says
"Ok why are you talking little miss Ezra noo don't you dare close your eyes me I can't lose you" Spencer says imitating Aria
"And I got over it" Aria says
"Yeah that because he didn't die I'm mean maybe he did and that's a ghost" Spencer says as we get into her car
"I'm not dead" I say
"Yeah I know" Spencer says
"Guess What I came up with a Sloan for are friendship do you want to hear it?" Spencer asks
"Sure" I say
"Friends that get trapped by an evil twin stay together" Spencer says
"Cute" I say holding Aria hand
"I love you" Aria mouths
"You know you can tell Ezra you love him that hasn't been a secret for years" Spencer says and i place a kiss on her lips
"I love you too" I say as we arrive at the airport and me and Aria get out of the car and walk in the airport
"You know I'm glad you don't look like your about to cry anymore"I say receiving a glare from Aria
"What you did" I say
"I know and I'm sorry but just me Ezra there is no way I'm going to cry because I get to spend the of my life married to you" Aria says making my heart melt
"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" I ask and Aria kisses me
"Good answer" I say
"So and Spencer are besties now?" Aria asks
"She is my second" I say
"Who's your first?" Aria asks
"My amazing wife" I say
"Your mine to" Aria says
"You know I love the sound of calling you my wife" I say kissing her head as we board the plane
"And I love calling you my husband" Aria says as kiss her head
At the villa

"Ok now 3 romantic weeks starts now" I say excited as I open the door
"You know that whenever I'm with you it's romantic"Aria says as I place a kiss on her lips
"I love you sexy" I say and Aria smiles
"I love you to hottie" Aria says and I smile
"Movie?" I ask and Aria nods I hold Aria hand and pulling her behind me, I sit on the couch and pull Aria on are lap.
"You know I could have sat next to you right?" Aria says and I laugh
"Yeah but then I wouldn't be able hold you as well as I can now and you don't like sitting in my lap?" I ask
"No I love sitting in your lap your surprising comfortable"Aria says and I laugh
"I love you" I say kissing her and putting on it happened one night
"I love you to" Aria says

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