After Ezra speech

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"Ezra wait" Emily saids as Ezra makes his way towards the door, Ezra turns around and walks back over to the group
"You have ten minutes to speak Emily" he saids with a stern voice since he is still pissed off at us.
"Remember when you had Malcolm in your life, and you loved him more than anything, well except miss Montgomery" Emily saids getting his attention at last
"Yes where are you going with this" he asks Emily being very confused
"Well once upon a time Spencer worked for A and A told her to kidnap Malcom and hurt him or maybe even kill him and blame it on Aria by having Spencer pick up Malcom at karate and taken him away making you hate Aria and break up with Aria leaving her heartbroken. But before she found Malcom she called me sobbing on the phone about the fear of losing you, she said and I quote he is the one who I turn to through the bad times the one that makes me feel safe and if he leaves me than I don't and I won't live my life anymore" Emily saids tearing up a little at what she just said. Spencer barges out.
3 minutes later
Aria walks into the barn holding her nose as Ezra runs over to her.
"Oh my god Aria what happened" Ezra saids taking Aria hand and looking at he r purple and blue nose
"Spencer" Aria saids
"Okay she is taking this way to far" Emily saids walking over holding ice
"Here you go Aria" Emily saids handing her the ice while Ali pulls up a chair
"I am so sorry guys"Aria saids looking down
"Aria shut up don't say that we forgive you" Hanna saids making Aria give her a massive death stare
"Hanna harsh much telling her to shut up"Emily saids
"It's ok Hanna what made you change your mind" Aria asks
"Well your fiancé gave us a speech that made us change our minds"Emily saids looking back at me and Ezra
"You did huh" Aria saids looking back at Ezra
"Yeah I did" Ezra saids leaning on for a kiss as Aria leans in also, having their lips crash together it was a long but meaningful kiss.
"Ezria kiss goals"Hanna squeals
"Umm I don't think that's a thing"Emily protest
"Well I just made it a thing" Hanna replies
"Well we better go before Spencer comes back"Aria saids
"Yeah bye guys"Caleb saids as we all head are separate ways

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