Christmas cruise

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Aria pov
The girls and I are out sitting in front of The Brew when I guy a lawyer comes up
"Aria,Emily, Hanna, Spencer" the guy says
"That's us" I say
"I was instructed to give this to you the christmas after Wayne's death" he says and hands all of us an envelope
Dear Aria,
You and the other girls were always there for my Emmy and in my passing I want you girls to have fun so I booked you girls a cruise on Anthem of the seas to go have fun and live a little there are two tickets one for you and another for your significant other.
"Your dad bought us a cruise ticket" I say shocked
"Yea" she replies
"Wow thanks Wayne" I say looking up at the sky
"Em since I don't have anyone give your mom my extra ticket" Spencer says
"Thanks I will" Emily says
"Bye girlies" I say
"Bye" they say and we all leave

"Hey babe" I say
"Hey there sexy" Ezra says and I blush
"You don't have any plans for Christmas?" I ask
"Other than spending it with you no" Ezra says
"Good because in Emily dad will he said that the Christmas after he dies he wants all is girls along with our significant others on a cruise" I say putting the tickets in front of him
"We don't have to share a cabin with the girls?" Ezra asks
"Nope just me and you baby" I say
"I like the sound of that me and you" Ezra says before I lean in for a kiss and our lips collide in a soft meaningful kiss

3 days later
"Come on babe we're going to be late" Ezra yells
"Our flight doesn't leave for another two hours" I say
"Then let's get going" Ezra says as we get in the car head to the airport for a 10 day cruise
"You excited?" I ask as we step out of the car and into the airport
"10 days on a cruise with the women of my dreams" Ezra says
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask and Ezra kisses me

At the airport
"Ezra" I say
"Yes" he says
"Are you ok?" I ask
I ask this question because Ezra love airplanes but always forgets he has the biggest fear of airplanes because when he was nine he went to Europe to an art showing and the plane crashed.
"Yeah I should" Ezra says
"Ok Ezra if you get nervous or scared I will be next to you ok" I say
"Now boarding flight 2951 to Miami" the last says and Ezra and I stand since we have first class
We pick up are carry on's and throw them over our shoulder and walk onto the plane
"Aria, Ezra hi" Hanna says
"How did you" I say but Hanna interrupts me
"Caleb's mom owns the company so we got on early" Hanna says
"So we're sitting next to each other" I say
"Yeah so no sex Aria and Ezra" Hanna says and we laugh
"We were never going to it on the plane the ship that is another story" Ezra says siting next to Hanna since that is where his seat is and me sliding next to him
"Babe you excited to go to Disney?" I ask
"Of course but we're doing splash mountain ok baby" Ezra says
"Ok" I say
"Awwwww they called each other babe and baby" Hanna squeals and everyone stares
"Han what the hell?" Spencer asks
"Aria called Ezra babe and Ezra replied with baby" Hanna says
"And That is a big deal because?" Spencer asks
"Because their a new couple Spence not that many people know" Hanna says
"Han you know we been together for ten years right" I say
"Sure you have been" Hanna says
"Oh Emily guess what" Spencer says
"What?" Em asks
"Aria and Ezra are a couple" Spencer says
"Wait oh my god Aria your dating Mr.Fitz" Emily says jokingly
"Wow Mr.Fitz haven't heard that name in a while" Mrs. Fields
"Ok question but you do know that Ezra and Mr.Fitz are the same person right" I say as all the girls were a little shocked when Emily said Mr.Fitz
"Ok can you people sit?"Ali asks
"Ok" Spencer responds and sits Emily following then Mrs. Fields then Ali
"Ok flight 2951 is ready for takeoff" the lady says and I hold Ezra hand
"Is it ok if I go to sleep?" I ask
"Of course" Ezra says pushing up the armrest so that I can sleep on him

Ezra pov
"Wow so all the girls are asleep" Caleb says
"Yeah" I reply
"Ezra can I ask you something?" Caleb asks
"Sure" I say
"You said that you were working on a happy ending Then and Now isn't about Nichole is it it's about Aria" Caleb says
"Yes it's about Aria I just couldn't bring myself to write our story so I wrote my relationship with Nichole but my feelings of sorrow was because the love I wrote about I didn't have because I let her go" I say creasing the side of her face and kissing her temple
"Don't worry I won't tell Aria but I'm glad you got the girl" Caleb says
"I don't have her she is not an object I just have the opportunity for spend the rest of my life with her" I say and Aria eyes shot open
"Bad dream?" I ask
"Yeah" she says
"What happened?" I ask
"A.D shot you and then you when into a coma and then you woke up after three months and the last that you remembered was getting accepted into Hollis you didn't remember me" Aria cry's into my shoulder
"Hey It was just a dream I could never forget you Your the love of my life and the future Mrs.Fitz" I say and kiss the top of her ear before she turns and kisses my lips

A/N tell me if you want me to do a part 2 or if you have one shot ideas

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