Ezra pov

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I woke up and rolled over and felt a gap in the bed and then a text alert on my phone.
Morning babe I love you -Aria
I can't help but smile even the simple things she does makes me happy.
Morning I missed even tho your pillow did help-Ezra
I say I get up and turn on the shower
So are you trading me I'm for a pillow now?-Aria
I hop out of the shower and see her text message and can't help but laugh
Nope your pillow was comfy but sadly it did not sleep on my chest and I missed your head on my chest😭-Ezra
I say changing into my tux and fixing me coffee and waffles waiting for Hardy, Caleb, Toby, Curtis, and Nugget to come over
Got to go girls are here-Aria
Ok love you-Ezra
I love you too -Aria
I then hear a knock on the door I go to open it and see it my guys.
"We brought coffee" Caleb said holding up the coffee from downstairs
"And thanks for the free coffee" Nugget said
"And thanks for the coffee girls phone number" Hardy said
"Why do you hit on every girl you see?" I ask
"Not every girl you wouldn't let me hit on Aria" Hardy said
"Yeah and your still not allowed too" I say
"So how do you too know him" Curtis asks Toby and Caleb
"Probably one of his Ex students" Hardy said
"Nope but my wife was and his semi girlfriend" Caleb said
"Semi girlfriend?" Hardy asks
"Yeah we haven't talked about that yet" Toby said
"That weird Aria FaceTime calling me" Caleb said as he answers the call
"Relax Fitz it's Just me" Hanna said
"Where Aria?" I ask
"In the bathroom" Hanna reply's
"Omg Aria you look amazing" Hanna squeals
"Let me see" Toby
"Wow you do look amazing" Toby said
"Thanks" Aria said
"Bye guys" Aria said as Hanna hangs up
Just then I get a FaceTime from Spencer
"Hi" I say and she puts a finger over her mouth telling me to be quite
"You excited" Hanna asks
"Yeah I get to Mrs.Fitz and get to spend the rest of my life with Ezra" Aria said making my head melt
I end the FaceTime and text Aria
Hey babe you nervous?-Ezra
I almost instantly get a text
Ezra I have known since the day I first say I love you that we were going to hopefully have this day so nope I am not are you?-Aria god this girl can really make my heart melt.
Yeah because you are my lady and I am your safety and their a reason I proposed to you twice because I couldn't think of anyone better to spend forever with-Ezra I said pouring my heart out into text
Out of all the awful things I did in my life how did I get so lucky to have you in my life-Aria
I quickly reply
Because one Labor Day nine years ago walking into a bar and kissing me in a bathroom-Ezra
Your the one who said if I rememberer correctly you asked to come-Aria  
I did and asking to do that was the best thing that ever happened-Ezra
I love you-Aria
I love you too I just wish I could end the I love you with Mrs. Fitz-Ezra
Me too-Aria
The wedding
I wait looking at the door just waiting for the moment to call her Mrs.Fitz.
"Your going to do amazing no need to be nervous" Hardy said clearly picking up on my mood
"Thanks" I say
"No prob bud it what a best man for" Hardy said
"I surprised you would want to you weren't a big fan of are relationship" I say
"You my bestie and honestly I thought she would have left when you started to laugh in your sleep or when you guys first had sex together I mean you are old" Hardy said
"We're the same age" I say
"No your a month older than me" Hardy said
"To be honest Ezra I would have cared who you married as long as it wasn't Jackie I really couldn't stand that bitch" Curtis said and I can't stand to laugh
"She was" I say as I hear the music start and the girls start waking down and finally it time to see the love of my life. The doors open and I see Aria looking amazingly beautiful, their are a few people here but to me their only me and her and I can't wait to say I do.
I do part
I Ezra take thee Aria to have and to hold from this day forward, to love and to cherish, for richer and poorer in sickness and health till death do us part

I Aria take thee Ezra to have and to hold, from this day forward, to love and to cherish, for richer and poorer in sickness and health till death do us part

You may now kiss the bride the priest said

I pull Aria into a kiss and can't believe this is who I am spending my life with and I couldn't have it any other way.
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" Aria said as I kiss her hand and she snuggles her head into my chest as she we walk out of the church and into are future together. 

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