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The final one shot of this story.
Aria pov
"Good morning Aria" Ashley says coming in to the room with breakfast
"Good morning Mrs. Marin, But I don't think I can get with all these butterfly's in my stomach" I say
"Sweetie I know but you must eat" Ashley says and I begin eating
A knock on the door scares me and I am shocked at who is at the door Ezra.
"Hey" I say after are fight last night I am not sure where we stand
"Can we talk?" He asks great it's over I'll have to cancel the wedding
"Yea of course" I say as Ezra steps in and Ashley steps out
"I'm sorry" Ezra says
"No I'm sorry this, last night is all my fault" I say looking down a thing I do as a child when I am upset
"No I shouldn't have said those thing I know where on the same page. I was just upset" Ezra says
"So about today?" I ask
"I still want to marry you, I just didn't want to start today bad because of what happened last night" Ezra says
"Yeah I know" I say
"I want to kiss you but I don't think I can" Ezra says as I let out a laugh and he does to
"Well I think we can test are luck" I say pulling him in for a kiss just when Hanna walks in
Hanna grabs a magazine rolls it up and starts hitting Ezra.
"Fitzgerald get your ass out of here right now, don't you know the groom can't see the bride until the wedding" Hanna says still beating Ezra as he leaves the room
"Hanna!" I yell
"What rules are rules Aria, I swear this is why I should have been made of honor" Hanna says
"Yeah but I am because I brought the bride coffee. Here you go boo" Spencer says handing me coffee
"Thanks boo I love you so much" I say hugging Spence
"Ok now go shower Em and Ali are meeting us at the church" Hanna says as she shoves me in the bath room
I take a deep breathe my nerves hitting me like a brick. I quickly turn on the water so that I can feel the heat that usually calms me down. Stepping into the shower I quickly realize how much I actually miss Ezra, How whenever he hears a shower in our apartment he has to jump in and shower with me just so he can kiss my neck and see me naked. Taking a shower by my self just feels weird, sure I have taken a shower by myself even when I was at Ezra's old apartment but that was mostly because I was 16 and wasn't really comfortable showering with a male let alone my boyfriend.
"Aria hurry up" Hanna says taking me out of my thoughts
"Sorry" I say stepping out of the shower
"Here where this we will get your dress on at the church" Spencer says handing me a white leopard shirt with black shorts
"Thanks I don't know what I would do without you" I say
"Hopefully you will never have to find out, now go get dressed" Hanna says again shoving me into the bathroom

We get into the car Spencer drives, and I sit in the back by myself wanting to just look out the window and try to calm my nerves. We could have just walked since it is not that far but as Hanna says "a bride can not walk to her wedding" so we decided to drive. Arriving to the church Emily, Alison, and my mom are waiting outside.
"Hey, is Ezra here?" I ask
"Yes baby he just arrived, now let's get you inside" my mom says taking me in
" I can't believe I'm getting married" I say to the girls grabbing their hands and jumping up and down squealing
"I can't believe it future Mrs.Fitz" Emily says
"God I love the sound of that" I say
"Now girl I love you and I love to talk but go get dressed" Alison says handing me my dress I go behind the changing area and get changed
"Aria you look so beautiful" my mom says crying
"Mom! If you cry I will cry" I say tears starting to fall
"I love you girls like really love you girls" I say
"Aria loves us" Hanna says
"Okay honeymoon, did you bring some lingerie?" Hanna asks
"Yes Spence and I went shopping together" I say
"Yes and lets just say she got some low cut black Lacey that Aria looks so sexy in" Spencer says causing us to giggle
"Ah how romantic" Alison says
"Well it is the city of love and there will be a lot of love" I say
"Hunny it's time" my mom says
Standing up Hanna puts on my vail and my hands start shaking.
"You got this" my dad whispers to me and my nerves stop the moment I see him

Ezra is wearing a handsome black tux that fits him like a glove he has never looked sexier. He has a purple lily in his tux since are colors are black and purple. Once he see's the doors open he looks at me and my heart skips a beat this always happens with Ezra. He blushes and looks down at his hands and I notice their sweating good I'm not the only one nervous I mean we are only confessing are love no big deal.

"Hey" I say
"Hi" he replies and for some weird reason it feels like we have just met each other
"Who gives women away to this man?" The priest asks
"Me and her mother" my father asks
"Treat her well" my father tells Ezra
"Always" Ezra responds and I blush

The next 15 minutes were a bit of a blur, mostly because I spent them staring as Ezra thinking of the millions of reasons why I love him. I get knocked out of my thoughts by the words
"Your vows?" The priest asks
"Ladies first" Ezra says
"Ezra when I met you I was broken, my best friend was missing and my secrets were tearing me apart. But the moment I walked into the bar it was this feeling of hope that everything would be ok. Little did I know that the older guy who weirdly hit on a girl who was upset,would be standing here in front of me. More importantly would have become the one person in the world who I want to share everything with, who I want to wake up in the morning and just watch sleep, who I want to raise kids and would just be my person for better or worse" I say
"Aria the moment that I met you I was afraid to fall in love with you because I wasn't sure if that would become a good or bad thing and I wasn't sure if I was just some kind of goal. But the moment I fell for you I was afraid to lose you and I still am everyday I am afraid to loose you. But loving you I would do it all over again because your the women that is worth it every fight, every kiss, every make up, and every I love you would be the best thing to ever relive" Ezra says and I cry as he wipes my tears
"Do you Aria Marie Montgomery take Ezra Micheal Fitz to have and to hold, for better for worst, richer and poorer, in sickness and health till death do you part?"the priest asks
"I do" I say
"Do you Ezra Micheal Fitz take Aria Marie Montgomery to have and to hold, for better for worst, richer and poorer, in sickness and health till death do you part?" The priest asks
"I do" Ezra says
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the priest says Ezra pulls me in putting a hand on my cheek and one around my waist I put one on his cheek and one on his chest, smashing are lips together I have never been so happy any day in my life.
"For fist time ever Mr. and Mrs. Fitz" the priest says as Ezra and I walk of the church, smiling wide holding hands as he kisses my head whispering I love you in my ear.
A/N please check out my new story B a pretty little liars story

Ezria one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin