Bath tub

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Ezra pov
"You know I think this is the most fun I ever had with you" I say kissing down her neck making sure not to get bubbles in my mouth.
"I never imaged being here with you" Aria said meaning in France on a Honeymoon
"Yeah but I am glad we are" I say taking her hand and kissing her cheek making her giggle
"I love you and I'm glad I get to be back in your arms" Aria said turning her head and kissing my lips
"I'm glad you are two but Im more happy that you don't hate me for using you and that you don't fell embarrassed to be with me because I'm older" I say
"Ezra I have never not once cared about your age and I don't care about the book I haven't for a while" Aria said
"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" I ask quoting myself
"I think I have an idea" Aria said kissing me as I slip my tongue into her mouth and pick her up caring her  to the bed
4o minutes later
"Come here"I say raising my arm as Aria cuddles to my
"Goodnight Mrs.Fitz I love you" I say
"I love you too Mr.Fitz" Aria said
General pov
Aria falls asleep with her head on Ezra chest and her hand on his shoulder while, Ezra falls asleep shortly after Aria with his arms wrapped Protectively around his wife waist.

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