Alex Drake's story

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This will be different then the original.

Ezra's pov
"Ezra welcome" A voice says
"Spencer?" I ask standing up
"Nope I'm over here" another voice says and I look over and see Spencer.... wait two Spencer's??? I must have hit my head harder than I thought
"I'm Alex Drake, you know we actually met twice" Alex tells me and I am confused I think I would remember her accent
"Really?" I ask annoyed I jut want to leave this place this is not how I thought I would spend my wedding day...oh crap Aria!!!
"How is Aria?" I ask
"Well let's see, I just came back from the church as Spencer she was crying she thinks you really left her" Alex tells me and my heart shatters
"Whhat ddid you ttell her?" I sob out
"Aria I can't be with someone who would lie to me like, I hope you understand that I'm not coming I could never marry someone so selfish" Alex reads that when I realize she took my phone
"What do you want?" I ask
"Isn't obvious?" Alex asks
"I want Aria to be my second diamond" Alex says
"Diamond?" I ask
"She this is Wren" she says showing her necklace
"And I need Aria to be my second" Alex says
"Why Aria?" I ask
"Because I am BI and diamonds last forever people don't and I want the two people I love to last forever" Alex says
"Your sick" I say disgusted
"Anyway Aria is straight" I tell
"For right now, I'm mean look at her how gorgeous" Alex says showing me a photo of Aria in the shower
"Where did you get that?" I ask repulsed at her for being such a perv
"A waterproof shower camera" Alex says
"When I get out of here Alex I swear to god I will hurt you" Alex says
"No you won't because I will kill you first" Alex says
"Oh no you won't" Alex immediately turns around and their is the one and only Toby
"How did you find me?" Alex scolds
"Well the real Spencer would never leave Aria so out of concern I followed you out and now put you hands up" Toby says as he reads her the rights and takes her out to Caleb and comes back to get Spencer who runs and jumps in each other's arms and proceed to have a make out until I cough
"Can I have a ride?" I ask grabbing my phone
"Yes of course, are you still getting married?" Toby asks
"Of course I will not let Alex ruin today, but I have to see Aria" I say just when my phone rings
"Speaking of Aria" I say answering the call
"Hi" I say as I hear sniffling the worst sound you will ever hear
"I love you" I immediately blurt out
"then why did you leave me?" Aria says crying
"I didn't I was planning something and I got knocked out and dragged to a underground dungeon by Spencer's twin" I tell her
"Really, That your best excuse" Aria say scoffing
"Aria answer my FaceTime please?" I ask knowing she upset but I need her to look me in the eyes so that she knows I'm not lying
"Fine" she says answering the call
"Now Aria look where I am here is my cell I was in" showing it to her
"The girls name was Alex Drake, Aria you know me I can't look you in the eyes when I'm lying and I'm staring right at you" I tell her and she nods
"Now I'm on my way and we're going to get married" I tell her
"You really want to after all you been through?" Aria asks
"Aria I don't want to spend another second as your fiancé I want to be your husband" I tell her and she starts grinning
"You know everyone left right?" Aria asks
"Well is the priest there?" I ask
"Yeah" she says
"Ok then well have a little elopement as long as your still my wife I will be happy" I tell her
"I will to I love you" Aria says
"I love you too so much Aria" I say hanging up the phone
"You ready?" Spencer asks
"I been ready for eight years" I reply and she giggled as we head to the church

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