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If you are not ok with Rape do not read this

Aria pov
"Mom" my son Carlos said
"Yeah" I say
"Last night Courtney and I went to a party and she had a little to much to drink I left but Courtney stayed with her friends, and they just called me Courtney got raped last night" Carlos said as I head upstairs 
"Courtney" I say walking in
"Yes mom" my daughter said closing her laptop and wiping her tears
"Is it true?" I ask
"Yes it's true I'm a slut" she said
"No you are not" I say sitting in front of her
"Yes I am" she said showing me her laptop with many people online calling her a slut
"Don't listen to them you are not a slut Courtney" Carlos said coming in
"Hey guys I'm home" Ezra says
"Dad's home" Carlos said
"Ezra please come to Courtney room" I say
"Mom no dad will hate me" Courtney said
"No he won't" I say
"Hey guys what are we doing up here?" Ezra asks
"Carlos can you please go down stairs" I ask
"Yeah sure" He replies leaving the room
"Dad we need to talk please sit" Courtney said
"Courtney you can tell me anything" Ezra said
"Well I went to a party last night and I drank some mystery punch and I got drunk and I woke up this morning next to a guy my clothes were on the floor and daddy's he took advantage of me and now it out and I'm a slut daddy I'm a slut" Courtney said crying in her dads arms
"Shh baby it's ok your not a slut ok your innocent ok" Ezra said comforting are sobbing daughter
"You guys aren't embarrassed to have me as a daughter?" Courtney asks
"No never we love you" I say
"Yeah I love you too sissy" Carlos said walking in
"How did I get so lucky to have this amazing family?" Ezra asks
"By falling in love with mommy" Carlos said
"Yes how are you so smart?" Ezra asks
"Because your my parents" Carlos said as Ezra picks him up
"I love you" Ezra said kissing his cheek
"I love you too daddy" Carlos said kissing Ezra cheek
"Mom I think you got cheated on" Courtney said
"I think so too" I say
"No I am not your mine Aria and I am not cheating on you nor would I ever"Ezra said
"Yeah I know I love you" is say
"I love you too" Ezra said

Ezria one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now