First christmas

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Aria pov
Today is Ezra and mine first Christmas as a married couple, we got married 6 months ago and have been the happiest then we ever been because A.D is gone and we can be free without the fear of our cell phones.
"Good morning"Ezra saids kissing the top of my head
"Morning" I say turning around facing him and pecking him on the lips
"It's are first Christmas"Ezra saids jumping out of the bed
"Ok it's like ten in the morning how are you so hyper" I say slowly getting up out of bed
"Because its our first Christmas" he saids with even more peppiness
"Yeah I got that" I say rolling my eyes
" you know your cute when your sleepy" he said pulling me over to the couch
"And your cute when your hyper" I say sitting down
Ezra sits in front of me and pulls out 3 presents out from underneath are little white Christmas tree with tinsel all over it. I open up the first present and it is a new laptop because Ezra used it a spilt his beer all over it,
" thanks for getting me a new one since you destroyed the last one" I say smiling
"Yeah no problem" he saids, I open the next gift it is a new cell phone case, and the last gift is a special signed copy of to kill a mockingbird. I pull out his gifts and lay them in front of him. The first one is his master degree in teaching re framed from when I destroyed his apartment.
"Aria" he saids looking at me
"What I fell really bad about what I did to your apartment, and i know how hard you worked to get that masters degree so I re framed it for you" is at spilling my guts out
"Aria thank you and I know you feel really bad about that and I love how your trying to make it up to me even though you don't need to but that's one of the many reasons I love you" he saids as he opens his other present which is a new cell phone since his other one is really old and not holding a charge anymore and a laptop of his very own so he doesn't need to use mine anymore.
"Thank you Aria" he said pulling me in for a hug
"Wait one more"I say pulling out a small box with a pregnancy test inside of it and a sticky note that saids congratulations. He opens the box and a huge smile appears on his face as he picks me and pulls me into a huge passionate kiss.

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