The montgomery

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Aria pov
He kissed her he really kissed her, and he didn't even call to tell me she was alive.
Dear Ezra
I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you. I hope you find happiness Nichole that all i ever wanted for you is to be happy. With all my love
-Aria xx
I take off my engagement ring and put it with the note and head to my parents
"Mom, can I stay here" I say wiping my tears
"Yes but why can't stay with Ezra?" My mom asks
"I don't wan't to talk about" I say
"Ok sweetie" My mom says and I go back to my old room

Ezra pov
"Aria" I say
"Aria" I say again
I then start to head up to our room when I see her ring I read the note and my heart is broken into pieces how can Aria think I don't love her she is my everything the love of my life I can't live without she is my breathe of fresh air when I was drowning.
I grab my keys off the table when my phone starts buzzing
(E-Ezra B- Byron)
E-Mr. Montgomery
B- what did I tell you when I gave me you my blessing
E- that if I hurt your daughter I better run and run fast
B- Well my daughter is here and Ella is here and she won't let me kill you so you have one chance to make this right for my daughter sake because I know how much you love each other
E- thank you sir
With that I hang up and head to the Montgomery, I drive to their house and knock on her door and thank god Ella answers
"Ezra please come in, she is upstairs she cried herself to sleep" Ella says and my heart breaks even more
"I'm sorry I know I'm not the man you thought I was but I love your daughter and I just want to protect her but instead I lost her" I say
"You haven't lost her I am see it in her eyes she loves you more than words can express" Ella says
"Can I go upstairs?" I ask
"Yeah she is in her old childhood bedroom you still rememberer where that is right?" Ella asks
"Yes I do" I say and head up stairs
I walk into Aria room and it looks just like it did before then see her and it happened one night is playing I turn off and walk towards the bed and see Aria sleeping she is wearing my yellow hollis sweatshirt I let out a small chuckle, then I see a tear fall from her eyes I take my thumb and rub it under her eye taking away her tear but causing my princess to wake up
"I'm sorry princess" I say
"Ezra?" She asks
"Aria please let me speak, I'm sorry I was caught up in the moment I didn't mean to kiss her and I meant it when I said I was coming home but when I got back to the airport when they called saying she was alive I was so distracted that I didn't call you and I am sorry I know you were worried I got your 10 phone calls and 23 texts messages but Aria I promise when I was in the sweaty in the Columbia jungle I knew two things one that I was sure as hell not going back there and two that when I got back to Rosewood I would have my fiancé in arms and we would have air conditioning and did I ever tell you how hot you look in my sweatshirt" I say and she smiles
"I love you so much Ezra and last time I checked I claimed this sweatshirt a long time ago" Aria says and I chuckle
"Yay you too made up oh and Ezra you can stay the night since it's 1am and you look tied" Ella says
"Mom were you listening?" Aria asks
"Yes So that I could but in when you became your stubborn self" Ella says
"I'm not stubborn" Aria protests
"Aria I have known you for 100 percent of you life when are you not stubborn" Ella says
"I think her stubbornness is adorable it one of the many things I love about her" I say and Aria let's out a yawn
"You tired princess?" I ask
"A little" Aria says
"Goodnight guys" Ella says and closes the door and I get up
"Where are you going?" Aria asks
"I'm getting out of my pant and T shirt but don't worry princess I will hold on to you and protect you" I say taking of my shirt and pants and hopping in next to Aria
"You know I never thought I would ever be sleeping in this room" I say
"Yeah I think my dad would freak if he saw me and my English teacher in the same bed together but he doesn't care anymore and it's only one night" Aria says
"So why don't we make it last?" I ask and she attaches her sweet lips onto mine and you know what happens next.

The next morning
Ella pov
"Byron look" I say opening up Aria door
"Yeah they are cute together" Byron says
" Look at that" I say watching as Aria snuggles deeper into Ezra and Ezra rubs Aria's arm and a smile appears
"Let's leave them alone and go to bed honey" Byron says
"Yeah let's go" I say

Ezra pov
"Good morning sunshine" I say kissing her cheek
"Good morning handsome" Aria replies kissing me
"You know your old bed is surprisingly comfy or maybe it was because I was sleeping next to you" I say and she smiles her smile that I adore
"I'm sorry about the kiss" I say
"It wasn't the kiss that made me leave" Aria says
"Then what was it?" I ask
"You'll think it's stupid" Aria says
"I would never now tell me please" I say and she nods
"So since I never talked about it to you what happened in New York I guess my subconscious mind. That when you didn't come home you were in a ditch somewhere dead or that you got kidnapped in Columbia and murder or something and thinking that brought me back to that night in New York" Aria says crying
"Shhh don't cry I'm fine and I'm sorry don't worry nothing going to happen to me I am not going to leave you my love" I whisper in her ear and wipe the tears falling from her hazel eyes
"I love you Ezra so much" Aria says
"I love you Aria so much" I say kissing her nose
"Oh and Ezra their is something else I need to tell you" Aria says
"You can tell me anything Aria ok" I say
"I know how we said that if I ever thought I was pregnant we would take a test together but one day when you were gone Spence came over and saw me throwing up a lot so she got scared and drove me to the hospital and they had me pee in a cup and I'm pregnant" Aria says
"Aria I'm so excited we're going to be parents" I say kissing her head and then kissing her stomach that is our child

Ezria one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now