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Aria's pov
Day one
Your gone, your actually gone. You took a bullet for me. I hated you but now I miss you I'm alive because of you.
Day two
Your mom blames me for your death. She slapped me today, my face still burns but Diane is right it is my fault your gone because you wanted me to forgive you. To be yours again and I'm sorry I didn't give you the chance.
Day three
I been staying in your apartment. Your smell is still their my mom is now paying the rent I hope you don't mind. I cry every night and the mornings too, I just want you to walk through that door and pull me onto your lap kiss my temple and tell me everything is all right but that can't happen because your gone.
Day four
Today is your funeral, I so badly want this to be a dream I need this to be a dream. I'm speaking at your funeral I wrote about you it was hard it goes. Ezra he was a lot of things to many people a brother, a son, a friend, colleague, and teacher. But to me he was the love of my life no he is the love of my life. When I came back to Rosewood after Iceland I didn't want to be there one of my best friends was still missing after a year and I had my own family problems, but also that day I met Ezra he just got out of college and right away I felt a spark it was love at first sight a thing I thought only happened in fairytales happened to me and happened on September 1st 2010. When I met Ezra he was different he was sweet, handsome as can be but there was something special I couldn't pin point it, I still don't know what it is but it is something that makes Ezra my Ezra. To Ezra I love you always and forever I miss you Ezra so Damm much why did you have to take that bullet for me I was an ass to you and you shouldn't have had to protect me.
Today I put my hand in yours it was cold, I missed your warm hands. I miss my natural heater the pinkness on your lips the way you have your boyish grin. And your ocean blue eyes looking in my hazel ones making me feel so loved struck.

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