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Duaa :

After bidding bye to him she entered in house.

She had dinner with her family and went to bed early. But sleep far away from her eyes.

When she closed her eyes. His face came in front her and his voice rang in her ears.

That means a lot to me. At least I see you reached house safe at this hour.

When he said that first she thought he was casually said that. But she saw the seriousness on his face. Also the emotions in his eyes which unknown to her.

The protactiveness in his tone.

Like they knew each other long time not since some months. She didn't have anyone beside her family who was this much concerned about her safety. Here He was the troubling himself because of it.

All of this very new to her and also same time making her more confused.

"Aapi Turn off the lamp! It is already midnight. Just go to sleep. Also let me sleep please..." Her chain of the thoughts break on hearing Anaya' s sleepy voice.

She forgot that her sister was sleeping beside her.

"Sorry!" Duaa murmured and obeyed her.

She properly laid down her back on bed and covered herself with duvet.

'Sleep Duaa. Just sleep don't think too much on just little thing. Why are you stressing out your self? Also on something which is doesnot matter. Ya… It's nothing. So Don't tire your self over nothing. He blurted before thinking properly. So just sleep'

With this thought she closed her eyes. This time in few seconds she fell in deep slumber.


Six months passed since he saved her father and entered in their life.

Everything going fine with them. Now He was family member to them.

Izyan and Duaa also like friends.

After that night he didn't said anything weird which making her confused or creat doubt in her mind. So she
also forgot it thinking that was weak moment that why it slipped out his mouth unknowingly. She let it slide.

In all past months he also changed.

Now He was trying to forgot his past. So he can also be happy in his life. But when he was trying to forgot it than all back memories started to hunt him. But he didn't let that pain to take over his happiness. That why in past months every weekend he go to her house to visit them and spent his time with them. Just like he balanced his life.


In afternoon she was on her way to return home from college. Today she bunked her last two classes so she can reach home early for preparation.

But she parked her scooter in front of garage where he work.

She went in to find him but she saw his friend not him.

"Asalam o alaikum!" She tried to get his attention who busy in repairing the car.

"Walekum asalam! You are here?" Saad was confused.

"Ya! Actually I want to me-" he cut her off.

"Meet Izyan. Right?" He completed with smile.

"Yes!" She was shocked.

How he know it? But didn't ask.

"One minute!" Saying that he left further in. When she was stood on the entrance.

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