Chapter 47

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I left the alley and started wandering the streets of Tokyo. Suddenly a car came hovering near the ground beside me. It's good that I was on my guard, because a man in a suit leaned out of the passenger side with a tommygun. I ducked behind a parked car when he started firing and pulled out my gun. It was the same make as my last gun. I had bought it in Tokyo not long before. I could tell the bullets were tearing the other side of the car to pieces. As the car passed, I got a bead on him and fired. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I'm quite the marksman. I was at the firing range every morning like clockwork. So it's no surprise that my first shot got him right between the eyes. He flopped over the window as the car moved away.

I turned around and saw two guys, one taller than the other, both wearing pinstriped suits and ties. Their fedoras had the blue stripe associated with the mob of this city. They both had their guns pointed at me.

"Put your gun down real easy like," said the taller one. I did as I was told.

Recognition suddenly flared. "Wait a minute. You're the Feds that were covering things up!"

"No, we're not, Mr. Morrow. We're just ordinary, run-of-the-mill mobsters. And this is just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill mob hit. And, oh, this brings me such great joy to do. You were a thorn in our side for a long time.

"We've been tailing you for a while now. We hoped you would abandon the investigation once you lost your job, but we both knew that you were too dead set on it. We have quite the present for you."

The shorter man gave the taller one what seemed to be an oval package. He unwrapped the package and rolled it to me. I could tell it was a head. It took me a bit longer to realize the features, distorted with fear and pain as they were. It was Dave's head.

"What a noble sacrifice. Too bad it was all for naught."

"Can you tell me one thing?"

"Sure. I'm feeling quite charitable."

"How did you guys make it so that the gunshots weren't heard when you shot Jeffrey O'Brien?"

"Simple. We used new-age silencers the Greys helped us develop."

"I thought they didn't wanna share their weapons with us."

"That was just a cover. They're more than happy to do it when they see it as necessary. Is that it?"

"I guess so."

"All right, well, it was nice knowing you."

He shot me in the chest and everything turned to black.

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