Chapter 42

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After it was over and we were smoking together, Susan turned to me and said, "Oh, Derek, this evening has been wonderful. I feel so much closer to you now."

"Yeah, me, too."

"I just feel like this is a great step forward in our relationship."

We sat in silence for a while, and then I spoke up. "You know, there's something I wanna tell you that I've hardly told anybody. When I was eleven, my older brother Jacob went missing. He was fifteen at the time. It was the Greys. They had kidnapped him for their experiments. He was brought back ten years ago with the others, but he was a vegetable. Didn't talk, hardly moved, and didn't seem to even notice anyone. It was quite tragic."

"So that's why you hate the Greys so much. I would, too, if I was in your shoes. What ended up happening to him?"

"He's in a sanitarium now. They're taking good care of him."

"At least you found a place for him. That sounds awful. Your brother is pretty much lost to you."

"Well, I still talk to him from time to time. No one knows if it does anything, but I think it helps. It does me some good, too."

"You know, you could take legal action against them."

"That's what I tried to do, but they bought themselves a really good lawyer. The lawyer argued that the Greys that experimented on him were no longer here, and, since I couldn't sue an entire race, the case was dismissed."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's so awful."

"It's okay. I've learned over the years that justice sometimes doesn't get served."

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