Chapter 25

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After work, I needed a drink. I wasn't sure where to go. Then I remembered that Susan said she worked at The Naughty Mouse. I thought I'd stop by there and say hi.

The place was just like any other cabaret bar: round tables with chairs and a small stage where the singer and her band were. There were lots of different instruments crammed in there: trumpet, clarinet, drums, you name it. I sat down and ordered some gin. Susan was singing her heart out. That dame sure had a great voice.

I waved to her between songs and her eyes went wide. A radiant smile came across her lips.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I took a drag and let it blow out in a smooth cloud. My gin arrived and I drank it so fast, the server didn't even get to leave before I asked for another one.

I saw Susan talking to the rest of the band after one of the songs.

"Everyone," she began. "We have a very special guest tonight, so I thought we would play a very special song for him."

The music began to play. I heard the loud bray of the trumpet, followed by the clarinet. Then Susan began to sing. She filled every note with passion and emotion. She was no Billie Holiday, but she sang Summertime just fine.

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