Chapter 27

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"Where have you been?" screeched Diana when I got into bed. What a great welcome home. "It's past midnight."

"I was out with a friend."

She turned to face me. "Was it a lady friend?"

"Well, she was a lady... who's a friend."

"I knew it!" She pulled over the covers and sat up. "You no-good, two-timing..."

"Now, hold on just a minute there. I said she was a friend and that's all she is. There's nothing going on between us."

"You can't fool me. Since when do you have any female friends?"

"What? I'm not allowed to have friends of another gender?"

"Does she work?"

"Well... yes. She's a cabaret bar singer."

"Oh, and you chose a real floozy, too! I thought you said that you didn't like women working."

"Well, like I said, there are exceptions."

"And I'm not one of them, is that it? I'm just supposed to wait on you hand and foot even though you spend most of your time away."

"Now, wait a minute. I said I would support you in becoming a writer, didn't I? I meant it."

"You're just doing that to cover your tracks. You feel guilty because you're cheating, so you're trying to be extra nice to me. But I can see through that."

She had me. I had been feeling quite guilty about the thoughts I had concerning Susan. But they were just thoughts, you hear? Nothing more.

Something in my face must've given it away, because her face turned into a tomato. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight, mister!"

And that was that.

Grey: A NovellaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz