Chapter 7

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Dave and I then went to get some coffee.

"I can't believe you did that, Derek. You know very well that the Greys don't like to be touched by us."

We were in a mom and pop coffee shop. Boy, was I glad those were still around. The brown tile floor and white walls with paint chipping here and there reminded me of simpler times. The only thing that didn't belong there was the holo-TV hanging from the wall.

We were sitting in one of the booths off to the side with a perfect view of the street. The hustle and bustle of the morning made me feel at home. I had my coffee black with a glazed donut, while Dave had his with two cream and two sugar.

"The hell with that they like," I commented. "Did you see the way that Grey talked to me? They acted like they owned the place."

"I mean, they kind of do. They were part of the CSI squad."

"That still don't give 'em the right to treat me the way they did."

Dave shook his head. "Derek, when are you gonna get it through your thick head that you can't always do as you please? There are rules and procedures to be followed."

"I've always ignored those and I did just fine."

"Yes, because you were smart. But brains can only get you so far." He shook his head again. "Man, we're gonna get an earful from the chief."

"It's all right, Dave. He wouldn't demote me over a thing like this. He knows he needs me."

"You know what they say. 'Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.'"

"I wouldn't be quoting the Bible if I were you. All religions except Greyism have been banned, remember?" Greyism was the worship of Greys as angels come from Heaven to save us. Of course those alien bastards didn't mind that going around.

His voice dropped low. "Oh, I know. But I'm still a devout Catholic, no matter what those damn Greys say."

"See? We're on the same side."

Dave sighed. "It's more complicated than that, I'm afraid."

"If you say so."

I took out my flask and Irished up my coffee.

"You really shouldn't be doing that."

"Oh, come on. Relax. I just need a bit more of a kick."

"You remember why you were put on probation to begin with, don't you?"

I put my arms out to the side. "Hey, why are you on my case today? Ever since that incident you've been busting my balls. I thought we were friends, Dave."

"I'm just saying you should be more careful. That's my advice."

"You can take your advice and shove it where the sun don't shine."

Dave sighed again and looked away. "All right. If that's the way you wanna play it."

There was silence between us for a while. There was a good looking redhead on the holo-TV catching us up on current events. "In other news, tensions mount as the trade deal between the United States and India falls through. The representative for America, Ra-nin, said the price they were asking for exporting staples such as rice was too high."

"What are they all bickering for?" I commented. "Didn't they set up those transporter gates around the world? Moving stuff from place to place should cost them nothing."

"There are a lot of independent Greys in charge of these trade deals, each with their own interests. It's strange. I've seen them all unite on pretty much everything except trade. Maybe they're more like us than we think."

"Perish the thought." I took a sip of my coffee. It burned real good. "Can't they just make whatever food they want out of nothing? Why is there so much controversy?"

"The Greys may be advanced, but they're not gods. They have helped us improve our agriculture by leaps and bounds, but there's limits to what even they can do."

I snickered. "Since when are you the expert on Grey technology?"

"Hey, I watched a documentary on it. It was quite fascinating."

"Never took you for a documentary kinda guy. Whenever I'm reading the newspaper, you always ask for the funny pages."

He turned as red as a beet. "Just because I don't like reading doesn't mean I don't like to stay informed."

"Sure, sure."

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