Chapter 44

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A week later I got the phone call from Dave and he gave me the signal. I arrived that night in the alleyway he specified. He came up to me nervously.

"You sure you weren't followed?"

"I'm sure."

"All right. Well, as it turns out, Jeffrey O'Brien did not off himself. It was a murder perpetrated by the FBI."

"I knew it! Was it the two we saw?"

"The very same. Before you arrived, we were told to take everything out of his drawers and burn them. It all smelled quite fishy to me, so I saved some. Here you go."

He handed me a folder full of papers. As I looked through them, my eyes widened. There were official government documents, many of them treaties signed with the Greys. "I don't believe it! The Greys are still experimenting on humans! They're doing this in the Femtech facility in the Netherlands. And the government is complicit in all of this."

"The police, too. They searched my apartment when I was admitted. Luckily I kept this in a secret place only I know of."

"I guess a part of me always knew something like this to be true. I never trusted those bastards."

"I wanted to keep being the perfect example of the police officer, but a part of me knew that this was wrong. When I couldn't face it anymore, I cracked. Anyway, I turned in my badge today. They said they were sorry to see me leave, but they could understand why this job could be so stressful."

"Aw, Dave, you didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did. Listen, Derek, we're both too honest and good for this business. You either get out while you can or stay there and become what you hate. There's no other option."

I sighed. "Yeah, I can definitely relate to that."

"Anyway, what are we gonna do with these?"

"I don't know. We can't take them to the Press, because the government will just try to cover it all up. Gimme some time and I will figure something out."

"All right, Derek, I will. I trust you."

"Thanks for the help, buddy."

"No problem. It was the right thing for me to do."

Grey: A NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now