Chapter 37

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After the film, I drove Susan home.

"Wow, that was really amazing. It felt so raw and real. It was like I was there fighting with them."

"Yeah, it's a great film. It was innovative in its filmmaking. It was the first talkie to use a giant mobile crane for filming."

"Wow, you sure know a lot about this film."

"It's my favourite movie, after all. They had a spotlight on it in the newspaper and talked about some of the neat things they did behind the scenes. It was fascinating."

"I bet. And that theatre was so nice. There was the traditional box office and buttered popcorn. Oh, it was just lovely! It reminded me of a simpler time, before the Greys came; before everything changed so drastically."

"Yeah, those damn Greys are ruining our beautiful country."

"I wouldn't go that far. I mean, they shared so much of their technology with us. We live much better lives because of them."

"I wonder about that. We may be able to live longer and more comfortably, but it's all under their thumb. They're getting all chummy with the CEOs and politicians and taking those positions for themselves. Pretty soon, we will be ruled by them."

"Oh, don't say that. The Greys are just here to live peacefully among us."

"Yeah, that's what they say, but I don't trust them one bit. This whole mystery I've been following has their stench all over it. Besides, they said themselves they only shared a small part of their technology with us. The rest is on that damned mothership of theirs."

"Well, they said they wouldn't share their weapon technology because they don't want us fighting anymore. Besides, ever since they came, there's been peace on Earth."

"Maybe they don't want us fighting against them."

"Let's change the subject. This conversation has me quite conflicted."

"Sure, darling. Whatever you say."

Grey: A NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now