Chapter 9: The Past

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Chapter 9: The Past

I walked to Mitch's house early the next morning holding my stomach. James had boken at least one rib last night and I was in quite a bit of pain. I let my hand drop as I approached Mitch's door. I didn't want him to see me in pain and ask more questions. I knocked on the door and heard movement. "Hold on!" I heard him yell and then the sound of crutches coming towards the door. He opened the door and I grabbed his backpack out of his hand before he could say anything. He handed me his keys and I ran to unlock and open his door for him before he got there. "Aww thank you Scott." He said and balanced on his good leg while shoving the crutches in the back seat. I waited until he got situated before I shut his door and walked around to the drivers side. I winced as I got in and hoped he didn't notice. If he did he didn't say anything. I started the car and then backed out carefully and drove to school. "So how are you today?" Mitch asked and I shrugged keeping my eyes on the road. "Wow that good huh?" Mitch mumbled. I sighed.

"I'm fine Mitch. How are you?" I finally answered.

"Scott why won't you tell me why you're in pain?" I shook my head. How the hell did he know these things?

"James and my mom were fighting last night ok? They sometimes take it out on me." I mumbled under my breath. I pulled the car in a parking spot and turned to him. "Look Mitch, theres a lot of thing you don't know about me and I don't think you WANT to know about them. So just let it go please..." I immediatly felt bad for my tone but I really didn't want him worrying about me. It was bad enough he was letting Alex and their group hurt him and I didn't want James to hurt him too. "Alright Scott but I'm not happy about it..." He grumbled and opened his door. I rushed out of my door and ran to his side helping him get his crutches out and carrying his backpack for him. Instead of him walking me to my locker, I walked him to his. When we got there I was surprised that I didn't see Alex and the posse there. I helped him put his books in his backpack and then held his crutches while he put his backpack on. "I'll see you at lunch?" He asked and leaned in to hug me. I yelped a little as he hugged me but stopped myself quickly. He sighed and shook his head at me. "Yeah I'll see you at lunch." I waved and watched him hop away. Damnit. Now he knew about James and my mom and I knew he wouldn't just let it go. I walked into English and sat down taking out my notebook and looking up at the board. I was startled by Avi sitting next to me and smirking mischeiviously. "I like Mitch's crutches. They're cute." He mocked and I felt anger rush through me but I said nothing. He leaned closer to me and poked me with his pencil. I shouldv'e known they wouldn't actually leave me alone. Now Mitch and I were both targets...great. "Alex says I can't mess with you anymore but I can't help it. It's too fun!" He snickered and poked me again. I tried my best to ignore him but he continued all through class. I wondered how he didn't get bored of picking on me? I think I would get tired of it eventually and quit but he was pretty persistant.

Finally the bell rang and I got up to leave and suddenly tripped and fell slamming my head right into the corner of a desk. "Ooops my bad." Avi laughed and walked away. I sat there a minute trying to focus feeling wetness slide down my forehead. "Oh my gosh are you ok? You should go to the nurse can you make it yourself?" Mrs. Earl asked. I nodded and stood up as she handed me a pass for the nurses office. She didn't say anything about Avi being in trouble for tripping me, either she didn't see him do it or didn't care. Whatever I didn't care. At least I got out of a few classes. I made it to the nurses office holding my forehead trying to stop the bloodflow. She ran over to me and helped me to the small bed. I layed down and let her bandage me up, then she gave me pain pills and told me to rest until lunch. She said I could have a mild concusion and that I should go to the Dr. after school. Yeah right, that won't happen but I lied and said I would so she would get off my back. She didn't bother to ask how it happened, guess she didn't care.

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