Chapter 17: What's The Plan?

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Chapter 17: What's the plan?

        "So Scott...not to butt into your business or anything...but what exactly are you going to do about your mom and what's his name?" Avi asked as I handed him a soda. 

"Well, as of right now I can't do anything but once I turn sixteen Mitch is going to help me get a lawyer and hopefully I'll be emanciated. That's the plan anyway..." I answered and sat down at the table.

"Ok so you do have a plan, that's good at least. When do you turn sixteen?" 

"Next month." I suddenly got excited for my birthday.

"Oh that's not long at all! Any plans for you birthday? Party maybe?" Kirstie smiled mischeiviously and I laughed.

"Are you serious? Who would come?" They stared at me like I was an idiot.

" guys would really come if I had a party?" I still couldn't believe they were nice to me now.

"Yeah! Loud music, cake, and especially alcohol!" Avi cheered and Kirstie squeeled.

" I don't know about alcohol..." I have never drank before in my life and to tell you the truth it kind of scared me a bit.

"'ve never drank before? Like ever?" Kirstie looked shocked when I shook my head.

"Oh wow...well Scott it's time to change that!" Avi decided and I just shrugged...whatever I guess it could be fun...

"Oooh I wanna plan it!!!" Kirstie cheered. This was all moving a little fast for me.

"Ok wait just...ok but no one I don't know and no one that will want to beat me up...which is basically everyone..." I tried to lay out the rules.

"Don't worry Scott! I'm good at this."

"She is...she's really good at this.." Avi chimed in.

"Ok ok whatever. Do what you want." I laughed and threw my hands up. 

"I know you probably don't want to talk about...them or what they did to you but just so you know I'm here to listen." Kirstie offered. 

"You honestly don't want to know, trust me." I stated and she looked sad, in fact they both did. A tear escaped from Kirsti's eye and roo=lled down her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her. She shook her head and wiped at her eye.

"I remember your face when I...touched you...they did that to you didn't they?" She said with a shaky voice. Avi looked at her and then at my blank expression. I swallowed hard and simply nodded not explaining anthing. She nodded and then looked down. "I'm so, so sorry for that..." She whispered.

"Me too." Avi replied. I cleared my throat and forced the tears back. 

"It's in the past." I finally said and forced a smile onto my face. I just wanted to forget about everything that happened, just start over. 

"So alcohol..." I changed the subject and made them laugh. Just then we heard Mitch's car pull up and moments later he walked through the door.

"Scotty! I'm hoooooome!!!!!" He sang then froze when he walked into the dining room and saw Kirstie and Avi sitting there. "Oh...what are you guys doing here?" He asked in confusion. Avi looked at me as if to say, 'you wanna tell him?'  Mitch turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"My mom and James followed us and we had to call Kevin to help. I was kind of scared after everything so they said they'd stay with me..." Mitch's eyes got wide and then angry.

"I will go to their house and kill them in their SLEEP!" He burst out and clenched his fists. 

"Whoa...calm down man. We handled worries." Avi tried to calm him down. Mitch relaxed just a little and then looked at Avi.

"Thanks for taking care of him. I hate that I wasn't there to help." He breathed out a calming breath. 

"Don't mention it. We're friends now." Kirstie stated. 

"Ok but for real man, Kev and I kicked the shit outa him and Kirstie here punched Scott's mom out but I still don't think it was enough to get them to leave him alone completely. How can we be with him every second? I really want to help but you need to get this lawyer thing going soon." Mitch glanced at me and I shrugged.

"He asked what we were going to do about it and so I told him..." I explained and Mitch nodded.

"Well that's another reason I got this job. I'll find a lawyer soon and hopefully everything will go smoothly." He stated.

"Well we'll be here to help when we can." Kirstie said and got up to hug Mitch. He was hesitant at first but let her hug him. Avi shook his hand and then we waved as they walked out. 

"So they just showed up behind you guys? Assholes. So how did the fight go exactly?" Mitch asked for details later that night. I begand to explain the whole thing to him and he laughed when I told him what Kirstie did. "I'm sorry but I can't see her beating someone up. She's tiny..."

"I know but she's stronger than she looks. She knew Avi and Kevin wouldn't hurt her so she knew she had to step in. It was really cool." I said with a smile.

"Well I'm glad you're ok Scotty." He jumped on the bed and layed down. I walked over and belly flopped onto the bed making him giggle at me. He crawled onto my back and rubbed firmly trying to relax me, and oh my god it was working. "Mmhmm Mitch..." I sighed and he laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!" I acted offended but he laughed more.

"I can't help it you're so cute!" He leaned down and kissed my neck lightly making me shiver. He got off of me and I rolled onto my side cuddling next to him. "By the way, Kirstie is apparently throwing me a birthday party...with alcohol." I told him and he chuckled. 

"Ok whatever you want to do." 

"Goodnight Mitch. I love you so much!" I said and closed my eyes.

"Night Scott. I love you too.

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