Chapter 14: For everyone you've Hurt

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Chapter 14: For Everyone You've Hurt

Mitch and I drove to school the next morning on a complete high from what happened the day before. Avi and Kirstie wouldn't be a problem anymore but we were curious about Kevin and Travis, and especially Alex. He wasn't the kind of person to just back down so we figured he was planning something. Mitch was finally out of his knee brace and he was still limping a bit but he was doing better. Everything was looking up for us. "Just be careful ok? I probably won't see Alex today but you have like three classes with him." I told him as I took my books out of my locker.

"Don't worry Scott." He said confidently.

"I'm serious Mitch I don't want you hurt again."

"Scott I can handle Alex. I'll be ok I promise." He got on the tips of his toes and kissed me. "See you at lunch babe!" I smiled after him as he walked away. That boy was perfect. I heard a giggle and I turned around to see Avi and Kirstie walking by me holding hands. I smiled and waved at them and Kirstie waved back. Although I didn't get a wave from Avi he did give me a half smile. Hey I'll take it. Mitch was right about them. I laughed to myself and followed the two love birds to English. I was surpsied when I sat down and Avi sat next to me. Great everything he said was a lie? He was going to mess with me again. He smiled at me and leaned into to say something. I braced myself expecting the poke of his pencil. "Hey can I borrow a pencil? I lost mine the other day." I stared at him for a moment and he waited patiently. 

"Oh..yeah here..." I finally said and handed him a pencil. 

"Thanks man." He replied and focused on the board. I smiled and felt like standing up and dancing. No more abuse from him, no more pencil pokes...this felt amazing!

I put my books in my locker and turned to walk to the cafeteria and I felt someone link their arm in mine. I looked down to see Kirstie. "Hey Scott. Can I walk you to lunch?" She asked sweetly. Ok this was weird, but a good weird. 

"Yeah sure." I agreed and we walked down the hallway. "Uh wheres Avi?" I asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"He's meeting me at the cafeteria. Where's mitch?" She smirked.

"Same thing." I answered and she laughed. 

"So you two are really dating? I mean there have been rumors but you've been holding hands and stuff." She asked curiously.

"Yep we're dating." I said happily.

"Aww I'm glad. You two deserve each other." She smiled and unlinked her arm as we walked into the lunch room. She saw Avi and waved goodbye to me before running over to him. 

"Wow you and Kirstie huh?" Mitch said playfully from behind me. I turned and pulled him towards me kissing him on the cheek. He giggled and grabbed my hand and we walked to get in line. 

"So have you seen Alex yet today?" I asked. 

"Nope, guess he's not here again..wait speaking of the devil..." Mitch nodded to Alex and kevin walking over to us.

"Oh we go." I grumbled and Mitch pushed me behind him.

"Don't worry I'll handle it." Mitch whispered as Alex and Kevin approached and stopped in front of us. "Is there something I can help you with?" Mitch said in his sassy voice. 

"You bitch! You realize you made me lose two of my best friends?" He was definately angry. 

"You did that yourself honey." Mitch rolled his eyes. Alex raised his fist to punch but before he could I grabbed his wrist and glared at him. He yenked it away from me and I stepped beide Mitch. If he was going to get punched then I was too. Very poetic. People were starting to stare making Alex seem uncomfortable and Kevin just stood behind him quietly. "You. Me. Outiside now." He growled and I looked down at Mitch. 

"Fine." Mitch agreed

"Mitch.." I started but he hushed me and followed Alex outside. Kevin and I ran after them. We got outside and Alex and Mitch stood facing each other ready to fight. Alex looked over at Kevin and then and me. "Kev, I got this one, you can have him." He pointed to me and smirked. I glanced and Kevin as he looked at me. I was scared and stepped back. Kevin was big and there was no way I could take him. He looked back at Alex and then at me again. "No." He said firmly and I stared at him. 

"What?" Alex gumbled turning to him. "I said take him!"

"No. Avi's right this is stupid." Alex walked over to him angrily and Kevin smirked at him. I stared at them bith expecting a fight but I was pretty sure if they were to fight Kevin would win. 

"You too huh? What is wrong with you people? They're nobody's! An you're defneding them?! You're making the worst mistake of your life!" Alex yelled in frustration.

"I don't think so. You know you talk a big game but without Avi and I you're nothing." Kevin smirked and then walked away. I turned to Mitch who was smirking at Alex. 

"You're pretty much alone now Alex, why don't you just give up. It doesn't have to be this way." Mitch tried to reason. Alex didn't want to hear it and he rushed to Mitch trying to throw a punch, however Mitch was ready and dodged the punch, then turned and threw his own which connected to his nose. Alex stumbled and held his nose as blood started to spill down his face. I put my hand over my mouth in shock. Alex didn't quit though and ran back still throwing meaningless punches. Mitch knocked him to the ground and jumped on top of him punching his face over and over. "This is for Scott. And this is for ME. And this is for anyone else you've ever hurt!" Mitch yelled and kept punching. I raced towards him and pulled him off Alex. "Mitch stop! It's over!" I yelled and Mitch finally relaxed. He looked down at Alex who was crying, his face bloody. I looked at Mitch whos expression changed to guilt. 

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to...keep going..." He hung his head. 

"Help me.." I said and grabbed Alex's arm trying to pull him up. Mitch reached down and took his other arm. We got him to his feet and dragged him into the school to the nurses office. She didn't ask what happened when we layed him down, she only thanked us and we walked away.

"Scott are you mad at me?" Mitch asked nervously.

"No...just surprised. I didn't realize htat when you said you knew how to fight you that..." I shrugged. "It's ok I mean he did have it coming to him. I just feel bad, and I HATE that I feel bad." I continued. He took my hand and stopped me from walking.

"Scott don't hate yourself for caring about people. You're an amazing person for caring about people who hurt you. I wish i could be more like you  babe." I smiled at him and gave him a loving kiss. It was officially over, Kevin wasn't a problem anymore and something told me Alex wouldn't be either. Mitch told me he had to stay after school for a half hour to do some extra credit and I told him I'd wait outside for him. We kissed goodbye and I walked away with a huge smile on my face. 

After school I put my books away and turned around startled to see Kevin and Avi standing behind me. "Chill man...just wanted to say thanks." Kevin said and Avi nodded.

"For what?" I asked suspiciously.

"For finally standing up and telling us off. It slapped me in the face and made me wake up and see what I was doing." Kevin replied. "Also where Mitch?" He added. 

"Doing extra credit. why?"

"Wanted to thank him for beating up Alex. Sounds harsh but he needed it. Hopefully he'll realize what a dick he is and change." Avi answered and I chuckled a bit.

"I'll tell him." I smiled.

"We're not friends though ok?" Kevin pointed at me and Avi nodded.

"Yep got it...not friends." I smiled and they walked away. 

I walked outside and sat against the building looking up at the clouds. I was thinking about Mitch and the fight. I couldn't believe Mitch knew how to do all of that. I mean he said he could fight but god damn he couldv'e killed Alex. I was so lost in thought when I heard footsteps approach me. "Well well, long time no see Scott." I turned around and jumped up. James....

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