Chapter 18: Emancipation

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Chapter 18: Emancipation

        Mitch and drove to the lawyer's office he had found. We had gotten out of school early for the appointment, and I was nervously figetling with my hands. "Scott it'll be ok, just calm down." 

"I can't! What if she can't help me? What if this doesn't work?"

"That won't happen. It'll be fine." Mitch pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I paused for a moment looking up at the building then finally got out. We walked through the doors and up to the desk. "Hi we have an appointment with Sandra Hall?" Mitch said to the lady at the desk.

"Your name?"

"Mitch Grassi."

"One moment please." She typed into her computer then picked up the phone.

"Your one o'clock is here, yes, alright. She'll be with you in a moment." She said and we nodded and went to seit down. Two minutes later a woman walked out in a black suit and looked around. "Mitch Grassi?" She asked and we both stood up.

"That's me." Mitch replied holding out his hand. She shook it and then looked at me.

"So you must be Scott." She offered me her hand and I shook it.

"Yes I'm Scott." I said nervously.

"Well alright follow me." We followe her into her office and had a seat in front of her desk. "Ok now, I understand you're having problems with your parents and are considering emancipation?" She asked getting out a notepad and pen. 

"Yes, well it's my mom and her boyfriend." I answered her.

"Ok and who is Mitch to you?" She asked gesturing to zmitch.

"He's my friend from school whos been helping me out." We decided not to tell her we were dating since I was only fifteen and he was eighteen. We just thought it was something they didn't need to know. "Ok what type of problems are you having?" I glanced at Mitch who nodded to me silently telling me it was ok to tell her.


"Physically? Sextually?" She asked and wrote.

"Both." My voice was shaky and I cleared it to regain conrol. She raised an eyebrow but didn't ask for details. 

"What about drug us or alcohol?" She wrote some more.

"Both but I don't know what drugs." She continued to write and nod. 

"How old are you Scott?"


"Ok and you understand we can't do anything until you turn sixteen?" She stated looking up for a moment.

"Yes, I turn sixteen next week." I informed her.

"Ok, are you able to support yourself?" I looked down. 

"I'll support him until he can support himself. I'm eighteen and I have a stable job and my own house." Mitch jumped in and she wrote it down.

"Well Scott, I think I have a solid case here, of course we can't go through with this until you turn sixteen but in the meantime you can get the paperwork filled out and get it back to me, then we'll meet again and go over everything after your birthday." Mitch and I nodded and I felt relief rush through me. She gave Mitch and I the paperwork and we left. Once in the car I pulled Mitch into a hug and kissed him passionately. "What was that for?" He asked smiling.

"That was for being amazing and helping me through all of this." 

"Scott you mean so much to me, and I'll do whatever I can to help you." He stated and kissed my hand. I felt so lucky to have this boy in my life.

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