Chapter 5:Trust Me

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***Note to self...don't listen to Pentatonix Vol. III while writing or reading this story...made me cry!***

Chapter 5: Trust Me

I walked the rest of the way home and tried the door. It was locked. Awesome. Actually I was a little releived that it was locked because that meant I wouldn't have to deal with James and my mom. I glanced around and saw that my mom's car was gone so they weren't even home. Well, I guess I'll go for a walk then. I ended up at the same park I was at the day before not far from my house. I liked watching the ducks swim and dive under the water. It was oddly peacful. I thought about Mitch and what he might want with me. He kept saying we were friends but why would he want to be my friend? I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the person sit next to me on the park bench. I looked over startled to see Mitch smiling at me. "Hey! I was driving by and saw you sitting here. Can I join you?" I nodded.

"I like this park a lot. I don't live far from here and I guess you don't either?" I shook my head. "Is everything ok? I mean I dropped you off not that long ago but it l can see you didn't actually go home..." I looked at him blankly not really knowing what to say. Damnit Scott just talk to him. He's being nice to you and you're being rude by not speaking! My brain was fighting with itself like usual. "I-I went home but......." I trailed off. 

"But? Come on Scott you can talk to me. I won't tell people that you actually speak I promise!" He joked and it made me smile a little. "YAAAASS! A smile!" He laughed.

" locked out." I shrugged and looked down. He frowned.

"Oh...that sucks. Are your parents home though?" I shook my head. 

"Come on." He said standing up and taking my arm. I let him lead me to his car. "Get in we'll go to my place." He said opening his door. I hesitated before finally opening the door and getting in. Was I actually doing this? I was. I was going to his house. He drove a few blocks and pulled into the driveway. The house was the same size as mine but as soon as I walked in it felt We walked inside and there was no one inside.

"So...where are your parents?" I asked trying to make small talk. His face dropped a little and I suddenly felt bad.

"Well they died a few years ago." I shrugged, that was horrible. 

"So you live here alone?"

"Yep! Hey I'm eighteen and they left me a trust fund which I finally have access to now that I'm considered an adult." He sounded proud of himself. He led me up to his bedroom. We walked in and he sat on his bed. I just stood by the door awkwardly. "You can come sit down if you want. Why are you so nervous?" I didn't know why I was so nervous. That's a lie, I do know why. Becuase I was never able to trust anyone and no one was ever nice to me so I was suspicious of Mitch's intentions. Instead of telling him this I simply shrugged and then walked over to his desk chair and sat down. "I'm sorry..." I said softly.


"I don' people." I looked into his eyes. They were beautiful.

"Hey I don't blame you but I promise you can trust me. I'm not like all those jerks at school." He seemed very genuine. "I just want to find out more about you...if you'll let me?" He continued. Should I let him? Maybe he just wants to find out about me so he can tell everyone so they have more to make fun of me about. No why would he do that? He just moved here and he seemed to not want to be popular? "What is going on inside of that head?" Mitch muttered obviously seeing my mental distress. 

"Sorry..." I said again.

"Ok Scott if we're going to be friends you have to stop apologizing about everything. There's no need for it. Next you gotta open up to me. You can't keep everything bottled up inside like ths it's not good. I promise whatever you tell me will stay between us. You can trust me." He said sincerely. Maybe he was right? 

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