Chapter 13: Changing People

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Chapter 13: Changing People

" So you think Alex and the rest are really going to leave us alone now?" I asked handing Mitch a coke and sitting next to him on the couch. 

"Not sure but it seems like it. I guess we'll find out tomorrow, I mean if he's there." Mitch answered. 

"I wonder what James and my mom are thinking right now. I bet they're beyond pissed." I though outloud.

"Or maybe they're too high to even know you're gone?"

"Oh no they'll know. Remember I was their way of getting drug money. Now they have no way of pleasing...her..." I couldn't say her name. Mitch looked at me with sadness.

"Hey don't think about it, it's over now. You're safe here with me babe." 

"For now until they come looking for me." Theres no way they would just forget about it, no they would come looking for me eventually and it wouldn't be good when they did. 

"If they do I'll handle it ok? All we have to do is make an annonymous call to the police and they'll be put away for drug possesion." Mitch said confidently.

"Yeah then what happens to me? Foster care that's what happens, I'm not even sixteen yet." I did not want to be taken away from Mitch. Mitch thought a momment and the his eyes lit up like a lightbulb went off. "What?" I asked curiously.

"Emancipation!" Mitch said excitedly. Could I actually do that? I didn't know how to do that.

"It says you have to be at least sixteen and reasons for being able to do it includes abusive parents. Scott this could work. We just have to wait and lay low until your birthday." Mitch pointed to the article on his computer. 

"But I can't afford a lawyer or anything like that Mitch. It's too expensive." 

"I'll pay for it Scott! I have a trust fund and let me tell you it's not a small one..." Mitch offered.

"I can't let you do that Mitch!" His trust fund was for him not for me to use.

"Scott, I want to be with you. I can't do that as long as they have power over you. Please let me help you with this." Mitch begged and I couldn't say no to him. I mean yes I wanted to get out, completely out but I just didn't want to burden him with my problems. 

"Alright. We'll do it." I agreed and Mitch pumped his fist in the air.

"Ok we have two months to figure out the details, then once you turn sixteen we'll get it done." I'm glad Mitch was so confident because I'd be lost without him. We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I immediatley dropped to the floor thinking it was James and he found me. Mitch hunched down and turned to me. "Stay put, and stay down." He whispered and walked to the door. He peeked through the small window and turned around with a confused look. "It's Avi?" He stated and I jumped up. 

"What? Why..he...what?" I was so confused. Mitch opened the door slowly and stood in front of me staring at Avi.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mitch growled. Avi Looked surprised to see me there but then took a step back. He took a deep breath and hee looked nervous, just like Kirstie and it was making ME nervous.

"Kirstie told me you lived here, and I..uh guess I'm glas you're here Scott, it saves me the trouble to find out where you lived...Um so I guess you know she dumped me..." He stumbled over his words and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes but why do we care?" Mitch sassed. I loved his sassy side. 

"Look I really love her ok? And so I'm here to say...I'm...sorry." Mitch and I sared at him in disbelief. Avi of all people was saying he was sorry? Was this real? "You may not believe it but I do mean it. I even told Alex I didn't want to be one of his henchmen anymore. I knew Kirstie hated it but I ignored it because...well my reputation. Cool people pick on the..uncool people. " He said gesturing to us. Then he shook his head as if he was scolding himself for saying that. "I'm not making excuses because I knew it wasn't right but I let Alex bully me into thinking I'd be hated like you if I stopped. Anyway, I really am sorry and Mitch I'm glad you're leg is better." He turned to walk away. Damn it Scott...I couldn't let him leave without saying something.

"Avi..." I pushed passed Mitch and stepped onto the porch. He turned around with a surpised look on his face. "Kirstie will be proud of you." I held out my hand and he hesitated like he was afraid to take it, but finally did. Another peace treaty. Mitch sighed and walked out to join us. He and Avi also shook hands and then Avi turned to leave, but stopped. "Thanks for helping Kirstie today. I saw what they were doing to her and...just...thank you." He smiled slightly and then walked to his car. Ok that was weird. I never expected Avi of all of the bullies to be one to admit he was wrong. Mitch and I looked at each other with wide eyes. "Oh my god Scott, look what you're doing." Mitch said staring after Avi's car as he drove away.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're turning them all into nice people. All because you stood up for yourself and me." He patted me on the back and then walked back inside. I stared after Avi for a second and then chuckled. I was actually changing them. Wow. I turned and followed Mitch inside. I closed the door and walked into the kitchen as mitch was digging around in the freezer. "What about pizza for dinner?" He asked me.

"Sure sounds good to me. Hey Mitch?"


"Alex is probably going to be pissed tomorrow isn't he?" I realized that he was losing his friends because of me and he probably wasn't too happy about that. 

"Yeah probably. Good news is it's only him, how much damage could he do by himself right?"

"I suppose, but he still has Kevin and Travis...well possibly anyway." Just because Kevin ignored me didn't mean he wasn't still friends with Alex. I wasn't worried about Travis, he never did too much anyway. 

"Just don't worry about it. We'll deal with it when the time comes. No big deal." He stated and put the pizza in the oven. 

"You think Kirstie will take him back?" I felt a little bad for Avi that she dumped him. Why do I feel bad? I shouldn't feel bad. Damnit for being too nice.

"Definately. They'll be together tomorrow just wait. I mean after he came all the way over here just to say he was sorry? Yep definately."  He said confidently.

We ate dinner and then Mitch helped me with some homework and before we knew it the clock read midnight. I took a shower and then brushed my teeth. I walked into my room and saw Mitch laying in bed. He had the covers pulled all the way to his nose and he was giving me his puppy dog eyes. I laughed at how cute he looked. "What?" He asked innocently as I got in bed.

"You know full well what." I laughed again and he pulled me on top of him.

"Yeah I know." He pressed his lips to mine and I sighed happily. "Goodnight Scott." I rolled off of him and cuddled up to his chest.

"Night Mitch."

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