Chapter 12: Changing Sides

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Chapter 12: Changing Sides

I woke up cuddled in Mitch's arms. I looked up and he was looking at me with a smile on his face. It was litterally the best thing in the world waking up next to him. "Morning." I said happily.

"Morning Scott. How did you sleep?" I smirked. I had the best sleep of my life actually and I dreamed of the place with all the flower. Mitch and I were making out by the pond. Best. Dream. Ever.

"What?" He eyed me suspiciously and I laughed. Should I tell him? You know what...yes I'm going to. I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Mitch, When Mandy...well you know...I would zone out and go to this other place." I closed my eyes and pictured it as I spoke. "Yellow and pink flowers are all over and theres an apple tree. Next to the apple tree is a pond with goldfish in it...and..." I trailed off and looked at him. He had his eyes closed as if picturing what I described. He opened his eyes and looked back at me. "And what? Please continue."

"And you're there with me. Sometimes we pick flowers, or wade in the pond. Last night we were making out by the pond..." I smiled and he laughed.

"Ah I see. Sounds like an amazingly beautiful place. What did making out with me feel like? Like this?" He crawled on top of me and kissed me passionately. It didn't feel like the dream at all, it was felt WAY better than the dream. He broke the kiss and smirked at my reaction.

"Nope..that was sooo much better than the dream." I sighed and he laughed at me again.

"You're so cute Scott." He rolled off me and got off the bed. "Come on we gotta go to school." I grumbled.

"Nooooo I don't wanna go..." I covered my face with the blankets. They were suddenly ripped off me and Mitch laughed so hard he held his stomach. 

"Seriously Scott come on though we really gotta go." I frowned but got out of bed. 

Mitch drove us to school and parked. "Mitch, what are we exactly?" 

"What do you mean?" He asked a little confused.

"Like friends? Or...more than friends?" He thought a minute and then smiled big.

"Would you like to be more than friends?" He asked putting his hand on mine. I smiled and nodded eagerly.

"Ok then, will you be my boyfriend Scotty?" I was ecstatic! 

"Of course Mitchie!" I cheered and he laughed at his new nickname. We got out and I slipped my hand in his as we walked up the steps and into the building. People stared but we didn't care. He was mine and I was his. Life was beautiful. 

Avi left me alone in English and even sat on the other side of the room. I was happy but was unsure of how long this peace would last. I walked out of class and walked through the hall to my next class. I saw Kevin walking in my direction and I looked down and just kept walking. I bet he was pissed about the other day. I was surprised when he walked right by me acting like I wasn't there. What was happening? Did what I say actually make them stop? I hoped Mitch wasn't getting the full abuse today. 

I saw Mitch limping towards the cafeteria after fourth period and I ran to him. "Mitchie wait up!" I yelled and caught up with him. I immediatly looked him over and saw he hadn't been touched yet. "How has your day been so far?" I asked him as we walked into the crowded lunch room. 

"Well no one has said a word to me or touched me yet. Alex isn't here today so maybe that's the reason. What about you?"

"It's weird. Avi sat all the way accross the room and didn't bother me. Then I passed Kevin and he walked right by me without saying a word. I'm happy but it's making me suspicious..." He nodded and I got up and got us our food. We were eating when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Mitch's eyes widened and I turned to see Kirstie standing behind me. So much for peace...but she didn't look mad. She noticed my surpised, slightly scared look and spoke up. "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to talk." Talk? Was she serious? I looked at Mitch who glared at her suspiciously. "I'm serious just come with me." She asked gesturing to the door. I shrugged at Mitch as if to say "what do you think?" He seemed annoyed but nodded. We both got up and followed her out of the lunch room. I glanced back and saw Avi, Travis and kevin still eating so we weren't going into an ambush. I relaxed a little and realized it was the two of us against her so I wasn't afraid anymore. We walked into the empty hallway and I crossed my arms staring at her. She looked down at her shoes, she looked nervous. "We don't have all day here..." Mitch sassed making me smile a little. She sighed and looked up at me.

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