Chapter 6: The Worst Fifteen Minutes

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Chapter 6: The Wost Fifteen Minutes

For the first time in my life I slept peacefully. I wasn't afraid of anything happening to me. I wasn't awakened by loud sex noises, I just slept. "Good morning." Mitch said cheerfully as he opened the door to the guest room I was staying in. "Hello." I smiled. 

"Would you like breakfast?" He asked and I nodded and got up. I followed him downstairs and he got down some cereal. This was how it should be. I never wanted to go home, but I had to. I watched him eat concentrating on his every move like a creeper. I was fascinated by him. "Do I have milk on my face?" He asked and I snapped out of my trance.

"Oh..uh no sor...I mean.." I stuttered trying to think of what to say. Mitch simply smiled and went back to eating. 

"So you know I told you I like to sing right? Well how about you? Have you ever sang?" He asked finishing his cereal. When I was very little I used to sing myself to sleep when I was scared. But that ended when I got into junior high. 

"Um no way. I can't sing." I said shaking my head.

"Have you ever tried though?" I thought a moment. 

"When I was younger yes..." 

"See?" He put his hands on his hips.

"Why are you asking me?" 

"Because theres a talent show at the end of the year and I want to do something for it. I thought maybe we could sing a duet or something. " He looked at me with hopeful eyes. Oh no. No way I could never sing in front of people. Especially the entire school. No. Absolutely not! I shook my head quickly.

"Oh come on. We have all year to practice. I really want to hear you!" I shook my head again. No. Freaking. Way.

"No I can't." I said looking down. Mitch sighed and put our bowls in the sink.

"Just think about it ok? Please?" 

"Ok..." I said to make him happy but it wasn't going to happen. He seemed to be happy with me agreeing to think about it though. 

I changed into his brothers clothes which fit me very well and then walked back downstairs to where Mitch was. We watched another movie and just relaxed throughout the day. I was avoiding going back  home but I knew the longer I waited the worse it would be when I got back. Finally after dinner I knew I needed to get home, but I hoped they were still out of town. "You sure? You could stay another night if you wanted..." Mtich offered and I wanted to take it but I couldn't. 

"I really should get home. If my mom and James get there before me I'll be in huge trouble." I knew they were probably already there anyway. 

"What kind of trouble exactly?" He was fishing for answers.

"They..." I started but bit my tongue. How could I tell him? "Let's just say they don't let me do things like this and they like to drink. Being mad and drunk don't mix so I should go..." I can't believe I told him that. I shouldn't have said anything because the look on his face was making me feel bad. 

"Scott do they abuse you? Tell me the truth." I shook my head. I couldn't tell him. He eyed me suspiciously.

"No, they just get mean with their words." I lied. I could tell he was still suspicious but at least he dropped the subject and agreed to drive me home.

Mitch drove by my house and we saw my mom's car sitting out front. "My mom's home, you better drop me off on the corner." I said and he pulled over.

"Will you be ok?" He asked concerned. I nodded but I could tell he didn't believe it. He waved and drove off. I knew I would be in trouble for not being there when they got home. I walked to the door and opened it cautiously walking inside. It was quiet, too quiet. I looked around and saw my mom and another lady who looked like she was high on something sitting on the couch. "Well, well well. look whose finally home." James said from behind me. I took a deep breath and turned around. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked smuggly. 

" weren't home and I was locked out. I stayed with a friend..." I said in a scared, quiet voice.

"What friend? You have no friends." My mom laughed and I looked down. "This is Mandy Scott. She's a...friend of mine, and she's here to see you." My mom stated and stood up. I backed away a little. 

"What do you mean?" Just then James grabbed me and pulled me to my mothers room followed by my mom and Mandy. He threw me on the bed.

 "What are you doing?" I whimpered as all three came over to the bed. 

"Do as your told or you won't like the consequences!" My mom yelled and slapped me accross the face. She turned and walked out of the room. James ran to the door and locked it, then came back over to the bed. I was confused and I didn't know what was happening. "Lay down!" James ordered and I obeyed. He sat against the headboard of the bed and grabbed my arms holding them tight. "Please don't!" I cried as Mandy unbuttoned my pants. I felt James twist my wrist and I yelled in pain. 

"Shut up or I'll hurt you more!" He hissed and I tried my best to stay quiet. Mandy was on top of me now and I closed my eyes. I felt so sick to my stomach, tears spilling from my eyes. 

"Ooohh yess baby you're so hot!" She moaned as she thrust up and down on me. I was sobbing now not even attempting to be quiet and James was twisting my wrist so much I was pretty sure he was about to break it. 

That was the worst fifteen minutes of my entire life. I layed curled in a ball on my mothers bed while Mandy paid James and my mom. "Gotta say you got a hot son." Mandy exclaimed shaking my moms hand.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." My mom smiled and counted her money. 

"Well until next time." Mandy said and waved before leaving. James turned to me and smirked. "Get out!" He ordered and I rolled off the bed. He shoved me out the door and I ran to my room slamming the door behind me. I jumped in bed and pulled the covers over my head and sobbed into my pillow. My wrist was bruised and swollen and it hurt to move it. What just happened? They just gave me away to some gross woman for money. I felt so dirty and used. She said she'd be back too, I couldn't go through that again. I had to get out of here. But where would I go? I was only fifteen and I couldn't go to a shelter or they'd want to know about my parents. And what would hapen if my parents found me? Maybe I could stay with Mitch? No I couldn't bring him into this. This was my problem not his. I got up and grabbed my pajamas and walked to my door pressing my ear to it listeing for any movement out there. Nothing. I slowly opened my door and peered out into the hallway. I didn't see anyone. I walked out and saw the my mom and James had passed out on the couch. I tip-toed to the bathroom to take a shower. I felt completely disgusting and needed to wash that woman off of me asap. After my shower I dressed and brushed my teeth, then reached under the sink and pulled out a first aid kit. I grabbed the ace bandage and wrapped my wrist wincing as I did. I hoped Mitch wouldn't ask me about it. I unlocked the door and walked out looking around. They were still on the couch. I walked back to my room and closed the door. Then got in bed and covered myself in my blankets. I cried myself to sleep re-living the horrible experience in my head.

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