Chapter 15: Found

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Chapter 15: Found

James stepped towards me making be back away from him. I was too afraid to speak, or scream. "You know this little stunt of yours was very stupid, and your mom and I aren't very happy with you." He growled. I gulped. I knew they'd find me, I knew I couldn't hide from them. Now I was alone and I couldn't defend myself. I needed Mitch! I looked around nervously looking for any sign of Mitch but he was nowhere. "Did you really think you could get away from us that easily? You're fifteen, you can't live by yourself. You have nowhere else to go." He sneered. I kept backing away as he walked towards me. "You're nothing, you have nothing. You're just a stupid, weak faggot." I shook my head at his words. "Please..." I whimpered. Great I lost all courage. I was weak, just like he said. I was a coward. "Now you're going to come home with me without a fight, is that clear?" He took another step towards me and I stepped back again. 

"He's not going ANYWHERE with you!" Mitch yelled running over and pushing in between James and I. I grabbed Mitch's arm and breathed out in relief but I was still terrified. Mitch was small compared to James and even though I saw him beat the shit out of Alex I didn't know if he could handle James. 

"This isn't your business, back away..." James glared at Mitch.

"I don't think so. This IS my business." Mitch snapped.

"Who the fuck are you?" James demanded.

"I'm his BOYFRIEND. And you must be James. Pleasure." Mitch sassed. James just smirked not afraid of Mitch. 

"Boyfriend huh? How nice, another fag" James laughed. 

"Yep now BACK OFF!" Mitch ordered. James just continued to smirk and step forward. Mitch and I backed up and Mitch put his hand out in front of him. 

"Seriously dude don't...I've already almost killed someone today I don't need to make it two people..." I heard the anger in Mitch's voice. 

"Right, whatever you say foggot." James laughed and took another step forward. I could tell Mitch didn't want to fight with him because he kept pushing me back. 

"I don't want to fight ok? Just back off!" Mitch was sounding less angry, almost pleading with James. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it trying to give him strength. James was amused by Mitch. 

"You're just as weak as him. Weak fags. You can't do anything to stop me." Just then James stopped and looked behind us.

"Is there a problem here?" I turned and saw Kevin standing behind us looking very mean. 

"I feel like there is.." Avi said coming up on the other side of us. Mitch and I looked at both of them in surpise and then turned back to James. 

"What the fuck is this?" He asked in confusion. 

"This is a warning. Leave them alone." Kirstie said standing next to Avi. Avi and Kevin took a step forward and James stepped back. 

"I have full custody of him, you can't do this." He tried to sound mean but it wasn't working.

"Then call the police, oh wait you won't do that because of all the drugs am I right?" Mitch sneered. James opened his mouth to say something but shut it again. 

"Exactly." Mitch said in his sassy voice.

"Man you gonna back off or what?" Kevin said taking another step towards him. Avi followed.

"Look I'm running out of patience here, you better walk away and if we see you come around here again we'll make sure you don't get to walk away feel me?" Avi growled. James actually looked scared. 

"This isn't over..." He finally said and turned and ran away. Kevin and Avi fist pumped and then turned to face us. We stared at them in shock. They actually stood up for us? Weird...

"You guys ok?" Avi asked and I nodded. 

"So who was that guy?" Kirstie asked and I was kind of too shocked to explain.

"That was his mom's boyfriend. Scott's been living with me for a week now." Mitch explained.

"Oh wow...that's rough." Kevin stated. "Well hopefully he'll take the hint and not come back." He continued and I just shook my head. I knew he wouldn't give up that easily.

"Hey it'll be ok.." Avi said patting me on the shoulder. I suddenly smiled at them.

"What?" Kevin asked comfused.

"I thought you said we weren't friends?" I smirked at their reaction.

"Oh..we're not...I just..." He stammered and couldn't finish his sentence. Mitch, Kirstie and I laughed at him. 

"Don't worry about it, and thank you for what you did." I replied. 

"No prob." They waved and walked away leaving Mitch and I to stare at each other. 

"Oh my god Mitch! He found me, I TOLD you he'd find me..." Mitch grabbed me and sat me down. 

"Scott calm down, it'll be ok. If he comes back Avi and Kevin will help us ok? He's no match for us all." Mitch tried to comfort.

"But what if I'm alone again? And you don't get there in time? Then what?" 

"That won't happen. I'm not letting you out of my sight ok? And he can't get in the school so you're safe in there." He was right, I was safe in there. I relaxed a little but his words still went through my mind. "This isn't over..." I shuttered at the thought. 

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