Part 41

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My eyes shot open as soon as she said those words. I put the coffee mug on the bedside table next to me and stand up. I can feel Rubys eyes following my every move. I take a deep breath before turning around to face her. She looks at me with a frown on her face an I can see the wheels turning in her head. Shit!
"I am supposed to let you in after everything that you've put me through? After everything that has happened between us?" I ask her and cant help the little bewildered laugh following that question. I stop pacing and turn towards her trying to find my voice again. I want to talk again but stop when I see her looking at me with those puppy-dog eyes.
"Regina." She starts while standing up as well and making her way over to me.
"Dont" i tell her while taking a step back to get away from her. Two steps forward equal two steps backwards.
"Regina, what did you do?" She asks me with sadness in her voice while coming closer.
"I dont know what your talking about." I tell her with a firm voice and cross my arms in front of my chest.
"Yes, you do. We went through too much together. I know you. I know what you're like when..."
"When what?" I ask her with a firm voice. Why cant she just leave it alone?
"What did we go through that makes you think you know me? What hard times did we get past? Because I honestly cant remember any of them!" I continue while putting my hands on my hips.
Ruby looks bewildered and I can see a flash of hurt in her eyes. Although that is soon replaced by anger and disbelieve.
"What about the times that I've found you crying on the bathroom floor or in bed because you felt like you werent good enough? How many times did I have to remind you to eat or sleep because you were to fed up in work? How many times did I have to tell you that Henry loves you and that you are his mom? That you are good enough? That I would never leave you!"
"Yet you did." I tell her with a cold voice.
She looks as if I just slapped her in the face and takes a few steps back. I take a deep breath and put my hand through my hair. I can finally breathe again without her so close to me.
"You left me." I continue with a calm voice while looking right in eyes that I could get lost in if it werent for the situation we are in right now.
"As soon as it started to get hard. When the truth was out and everyone started to remember who they were. When I showed up at your doorstep with tears in my eyes begging you to hear me out. What did you do?" I ask her with a raised voice while letting the words sink in. She closes her eyes and turns her face to the side. I can see a tear rolling down her cheek and it takes everything in me not to wipe it away. I take a deep breath and calm myself down which is easier done than I've expected.
"Did you hug me and tell me that everything would be ok? Did you even hear me out? Gave me time to explain my side of the story? No, you shut the door into my face and ignored me." I continue. She looks at me with tears in her eyes while taking a step closer to me once again.
"Regina, I am so sorry." She tells me with a broken voice. I take a deep breath and look her straight in the eyes as I answer her.
"Well, it doesnt matter anymore. You know your way out." I tell her. She takes another step backwards with a hurt look on her face. I take that as my opportunity to put distance between us. I step past her and grab my coffee hoping she'd get the hint and leave.
Nothing can be heard in the room except our breaths and the hushed voices from downstairs. With each passing second the silence gets heavier until I can hear footsteps and the door-handle being turned. Finally, I can breathe again and be alone. I let out a breath I didnt realize I was holding. I am moving my mug in my hands before taking a sip of the warm liquid. I am taking a sip of it enjoying the taste of it while closing my eyes until...
I can hear the door being locked and that one question I thought I was able to avoid.
"Where is it?" my eyes shut open and I grab my coffee even tighter as before not wanting to drop it and having to clean up the mess.
Well, I guess this conversation isnt over yet.

Finally a new chapter. I know I've kept you waiting for a long time and I am really sorry for that. I am also sorry that this chapter isnt any longer. I finally had time to write a little bit today and wanted to put it out there no matter how long it would get.
Thank you so much for all your support and understanding. I still cant believe that there are so my people out there reading and liking my story. So thank you for that. Love you guys❤️

As always I hope you liked this chapter and dont forget to leave a comment so I know what you liked and what I have to work on. I am going to try to update soon but unfortunately cant promise a certain date because of my busy schedule.
Anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend!

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