Part 6

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Dear Henry,

When you read this letter I will have left town already. I am so sorry my little prince. I am sorry that I couldn't be the mother you deserved. I am sorry that I couldn't show you my love better. I let my insecurities get the better of me. I couldn't lose you because in the end you are the only thing I can't live without. So I hope you understand how hard it was for me to watch you with Emma. To you she is your mother and I have to accept that. I have to accept that you don't see me as a mother anymore, as your mother. I need you to understand why I had to leave. I have tried everything to redeem myself. I saved my enemies so you would see that I was able to change. I did my best to let you see that I wanted to become a better person. In the end I guess it just wasn't enough. I can stay in a town where most of the people are against me. I did that in the Enchanted Forest and survived. But I can't stay in a town where everything I love and hold dear gets ripped away from me. The way you see it I am not your mother anymore and the Charmings are your family. But for me you are still my son that I raised for 10 years. For me you will always stay my son no matter what other people say. You were my happy ending for 10 years and I want to thank you for that. The only thing I have always wanted was for you to be happy. So to make my son happy, to make you happy I left. Please don't blame yourself for it. Now you can stay with your real family without fearing the evil queen. Please remember two very important things. First, I want you to understand that evil isn't born it's made and that not every story in your book is fully correct. My story isn't even in it so please try to not judge people because of their past or you think you know their past. Second, please remember that I love you and nothing you could do or say will ever change that. You will always be my little prince that came to me after having a bad dream. I love you.

-Mo -Regina

I read this letter over and over. The more I read it the more I cry. She didn't even sign it with mom. I made her believe that she wasn't worthy to be called mom. How could I do that? She left so I could be happy. I cry so hard and try to keep breathing. I was so stupid! How could I believe that she didn't love me? Just because she didn't give birth to me? I want her back! I want to hug her and tell her that I am sorry. That I will never treat her the way I did again. I want to tell her that she is important to me and that I love her and that she is my mother and nothing will ever change that. She shouldn't believe otherwise. I took her for granted and now she is gone. I need to speak to her. I need to call her and make everything right. Make her feel loved. Before I do that my eyes fall on the letter again. I can't wrap my head around two particular sentences. Evil isn't born, it's made. My story isn't even in it. I think about it and I realize that I never asked her why. Why she really became evil and hated Snow. I believed the book even though I should have asked her. I should have asked her for the reason and her side of the story. I should have asked her! As I sit on my mom's bed I make a vow to myself. The next time I see her I will ask her to tell me her story. I want to hear it from her and want to know it now more than ever.


I look around the bedroom of my daughter. I want to speak to her but the person I see in her bed isn't her. It's much smaller. I guess it is her son. He doesn't know that I am watching him. He can't see me. I listen to his cries for his mother. If he lays in her bed and cries for his mother, then where is she? Where is my daughter? Where is Regina?


I am in the kitchen preparing dinner when I hear my phone ringing. I dry my hands with the dish towel as I go to the table where my phone is. I look at it and see the caller ID. My stomach twitches and my hands start to shake. This can't be. I wasn't prepared for this. Well to be honest it never crossed my mind that he would call. I try to steady my breath but nothing helps. I can't move. I just look at the ID of Henry and his contact picture. I want to talk to him so badly and as I am about to answer the phone the ringing stops. I need to sit down and calm myself. With my hands on my forehead I am totally clueless of what to do. When I move my hands through my hair and I am about to stand up my phone beeps. I look at the display again. 1 missed call – Henry. 1 new voice mail – Henry. I struggle with myself. Should I listen to it now? Or later when my nerves are in a normal state again? I decide to hear it later and finish dinner first.

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