Part 2

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Here is the next chapter. Its a little bit longer than iI have intended it to be :D But I hope you still like it and tell me what you think of it. I will try to update at least once a week. Enjoy reading :)

3 weeks later


Okay that is really weird. No one has heard from Regina nor seen her in three weeks. At first I thought she just wants my attention and that I come back to her. That she will show up when everything has settled down. But it's been three weeks and although I don't like it I still care for her. What if something happened to her? I have to make sure that she is alright. So I go to the mansion. To her home. To my old home. As I stand on her doorstep I realize that the house is dark and silent. There are no lights on, the windows are closed and I can only hear silence from inside. No high heels clicking on the floor. Now I am really worried. I am looking for the spare key under a stone. I hope it is still there. I unlock the door and take a deep breath before I open it. I step inside and I am greeted by silence. I look around and decide to go upstairs. Carefully I make my way to my old room. As I look at it I think back to the way it used to be. When there was just her and me. Before the book and everything shattered. Before I doubted her and her love for me. I realize now that she really loved me and that I miss her. Well I miss my mom and how she used to be when I was little. Before I have found out that I was adopted. As I make my way to her room I realize that she was a great mom. I still can smell her favorite perfume which I now realize I have missed a lot. She did everything she could to make me happy. Even when I said awful things to her she still tried to please me. She helped bringing the people back she hates. She tried everything to get my attention and to prove that she has changed. I didn't. I was too blinded to see that she is still my mom. That she loves me. That she was the one who raised me while Emma decided to give me up. I realize that she was the one who was there to hold my hand when I was sick. Who comforted me when I was sad or scared because of a nightmare. She was the one who told me everything would be fine on my first day at school. When I was too scared to go inside and didn't want to let her go. She told me that I don't have to be scared because she will be there when school ends and that there was nothing that could keep her away from me. She was the one I could count on and trust that she would never leave me. I realize that she still is my mom and that I still love her more than she knows. More than I knew just a few minutes ago. She will always be my mom. When I think about it I realize how much I have hurt her by saying she wasn't. By calling her Regina instead of mom. By calling a woman mom who barely knew me at the time. Who gave me up. I start hating myself for the way I have treated her. For putting other people before her and forgetting her and the good times with her. She more than anyone deserves to be called mom. More than Emma to be honest. She isn't in her room and I go to the dining room. Once there I see a letter on the table. I go to look at it. Henry is written on it and I recognize the neat handwriting. She wrote it. That's when I realize it. Something I denied for so long. I denied it even when I didn't see her car outside. I told myself that it couldn't be. That she wouldn't do that to me because she herself said it to me on my first day at school. But that was years ago and so much had changed since then. Still it couldn't be. It can't be. But there is no other explanation then this one. She left. She left me. Without saying goodbye.


Sunlight streams through my window as I slowly wake up. I open my eyes- I look at the clock which is on the night stand and read 5:30 am. It is way too early to be awake. Even though I want to turn around and fall asleep again I know that won't work. Too much is on my mind for that. So I slowly sit up and get out of my comfy bed. I go to the kitchen and make coffee. While I wait for the coffee to be finished I put the two wine glasses into the dishwasher and the empty wine bottle into the sink. It has gotten way too late yesterday or today. Depends on how someone sees it. I hear movement in the other bedroom and start preparing a second cup. Because God knows she will need it as much as I do. If someone told me that she would be sharing a loft with me two weeks ago I would have declared them insane. But people change and so do relationships and friendships.

Changing is hardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang