Part 27

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"May I have the Dagger now, my dear daughter?"

I look at Cora and show her the Dagger in my hand once again.

"If you want it mother then get it." I tell her while slowly closing the distance between us.

"Regina don't!" I hear people screaming behind me and before they even think of moving closer I freeze them to the spot.

"Those Charmings. Always trying to save the day." I hear my mother say as I turn my attention back to her.

"After all they've put us through you are still on their side? I am really disappointed in you, Regina."

"Did you just say us? What did they ever do to you, mother? Because for all I know you haven't been able to feel anything for over decades. I always wanted to have a

mother that loves me which is hard considering the fact that you've ripped your heart out before I was even born."

"You know nothing about our family's history!"

"Then enlighten me mother." I tell her with our faces only inches away.

" I was in love with the King long before he knew Snow's mother. Unfortunately for me she was in love with him as well and she was also a princess. She found out that I was pregnant and told the King about it. Eventually I've married your father and after Snow was born and you were old enough to marry, I've arranged her death. I mean after all she was the reason why I had to give my first born away. Why I had to rip out my own heart because I couldn't bear the pain of losing my child!"

Everyone was shocked at that.

"Wait a minute. You... I... have an older sister? You denied me a loving mother because you lost one child and couldn't keep your heart in your chest? You married me off to a man that could've been my father out of revenge?" I hear myself scream at that point.

I try to calm down and take a deep breath.

"Why are you so angry may darling? You've became Queen. You've got everything I've ever wished for."

"Yes, you mother not me!" I say with a firm voice. I look at her and take a dep breath before continuing.

"But that's not the point. That's not what's important." I shake my head to get my focus back on the matter of hands.

"Give me the Dagger." She says and reaches for it the same time as I pull out her heart and push it inside her chest.

She tumbles a little bit and puts her hand to her chest. She smiles a genuine smile. Yes! I've got my mother back! A mother with a heart after all those years. I start to smile as well and want to hug her as I see her smile faltering and she falls to the floor. I try to catch her but only fall onto my knee with her in my arms. What? Its not supposed to be like this. She smiles at me and starts to talk.

"You were enough. You've always been enough. Your father would have been so proud of you." It's getting hard for her to talk.

"Your real father would've... sorry..." she closes her eyes. What just happened?

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