Part 40

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"What was that?" I ask while looking at everyone. Snow, David and Henry look at each other before Snow answers my question.
"This was Ruby"
"She was my moms..." Henry starts until he gets interrupted by David.
"Don't" David tells Henry and throws him a glare.
"Sorry" Henry apologizes.
"Look, we know Regina means a lot to you so I am gonna tell you that Rubs was her best friend before the curse broke." Snow nods as if agreeing with her own answer.
"That's all I get?" I ask although I already know the answer.
"Yes, because it's a complicated story. They have a complicated history and it's not our place to tell you about it. I am sorry but I already lost Reginas trust once and I don't want that to happen again. So thats all you'll get from us. If you want to know more ask Regina."
She looks at me before looking at Henry and David. Both nod in agreement.
"Okay." I sigh and everyone turns their attention back to their breakfast.
I realize that I drank all of my coffee and go to pour me another cup. This story better be good Regina.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask Ruby as she's entering my bedroom. I close the door behind me and lean against it while taking a sip of my coffee.
"Your room looks the same." she says in a soft voice before turning around to face me. I look up from my coffee and take a deep breath.
"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?
My room?" I ask her while walking pass her and taking a seat on my bed. I am sitting cross legged with my coffee in my hand.
"No, I want to know what's going on. I want to know why you left without telling me!" She says while pacing in front of me. She looks at me with a sad expression on her face while running her hand through her dark hair which she always does when she is stressed out or emotional. I hear her coming closer and feel the bed shifting as she sits down next to me. I can feel my body react to her being so close which I didnt expect considering my... situation at the moment. Why do I still feel like this when she is so close? I want to turn to her and hug her. I want to break down in her arms because I know she will hold me together. I want to... Stop it Regina! It's over! Thankfully self control is easier to come by these couple of hours. We both take a deep breath and I can feel her eyes on me. She starts talking again but this time in a much softer voice.
"Please. Talk to me or at least look at me." another deep breath. She reaches out to put a lose strand of hair behind my ear. I want to lean into her touch but I cant.
"Don't." I tell her with as much strength as I can muster. 'Love is weakness' I can hear Coras voice in my head. Ruby pulls her hand away which brings back my ability to breathe but has me instantly missing her touch as well. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment before turning sideways so that her front is facing my side while I am still looking at the door. I stare at it and neither of us is saying a word. I am about to break the uncomfortable silence when I feel her hand caressing my cheek. I close my eyes for a moment and can feel a tear making its way downwards. She wipes it away and continues to draw small patterns with her thumb. I can feel myself leaning into the touch and the warmth that her hand provides although my mind is screaming at me not to. Why is this still so hard? It should be easier, damn it. My brain tells me all the reasons of how and why this is so wrong but I can't help it. I just want to enjoy the moment. Just one more second before I start listening to my brain again and go back to reality.
"Please let me in." I hear her whisper and something inside me snaps at hearing those words.

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