Part 13

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The next day. Still Regina

I wake up to banging on my door. Annoying banging on my door, I turn around and try to fall back asleep when I realize I am alone. Where is Henry? Was it all a dream? Was it all just a cruel... I can't finish my thought because the damn banging continues. I take my pillow next to me, put it on my face and let out a scream. As I've finished I inhale a long breath and make my way to the front door. When I pass the kitchen I can see Tink preparing coffee and yawning. Thank heavens for that girl. She knows what I need. Before opening the door, I can see Henry in the living room. So it wasn't a dream I tell myself and smile which fades as I open the door.

"Miss Swan, what do you want at that godly hour?" I ask her annoyed.

"Told ya see you tomorrow." She answers. Breathe Regina, just breathe. Don't kill her that would ruin the process you've made.

"Yes but not that you would show up at 7am banging on my door and waking the entire house in the process." I tell her annoyed.

"Do you want to continue to argue outside and be pissed or will you let me inside?"

I think about it but know that I can't do what I want.

"Honestly I want to shut the door with you outside the house and go back to sleep but hey, nothing turns out the way I want it when you are involved. Also I can't go back to sleep anyway. So I will let you in but I am still pissed at you for so many reasons." I tell her and step aside to let her in. She nods thankfully and I role my eyes as I close the door. It's way too early for seeing her. Coffee. I need coffee. I go to the kitchen where Tink waits with hot coffee for me, of course Emma closely behind me. I take the cup and smile gratefully at Tink.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I ask Tink with a smile. She smiles back and replies.

"Yes and I love you too." She says happily. "Hello Emma." Tink continues not so happy anymore. I need to chuckle at that.

"Tink." Emma greets.

Tink and I look at each other and take a sip from our coffee.

"So have you two met?" Emma asks. Clearly feeling uncomfortable.

"I believe I've already told you that Miss Swan." I tell her and take another sip of my coffee.

"It's Emma and yes you did but I've meant the second time." She states.

This time it's  Tink who answers.

"We've met at Starbucks the first day she was in New York. She needed a place to sleep and I needed someone to help me with the rent. We didn't get along that well at first but after a bottle of wine and lot of talking we became friends. Happy?" She looks at Emma with a frown and smiles at me.  I smile at her and want to say something when I hear Henry scream.


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