Part 1

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It hurts. Every bone, every cell of my body hurts. Well, what did I expect from absorbing a death curse? At first I didn't want to do it. The fear of facing my mother was just too strong. But then Henry showed up and started pleading with me. I couldn't do it. I couldn't give him more reason to hate me. So I decided to stop it. To absorb that curse and let it fill my body.I decided to save his real family - to bring Emma and Snow back. I heard Henry call mom in my dace. How stupid it was to think that he meant me. He ran to Emma and Snow. Guess I have to accept that he doesn't see me as a mother anymore. But that hurts so much more than the curse which runs through my body right now. I can't stand the thought that I lost my happy ending again. I lost everything. Snow gets hers once again. She can play happy family with her Charming, Emma and My Son. I can't watch this. I can't stay in a town where everything gets taken away from me. As soon as I feel better I will leave. I hope it is sooner rather than later.


Finally, they are back. I have missed them so much. Regina has to lean on a tree to stay upright. But that doesn't really bother me right now. I have my family back. "What happened?", Snow asks as she looks around. "She saved you", I tell them and everyone looks at an exhausted Regina. "Where is my husband?", Snow asks and makes her way to David with Ruby. Emma and I go to Regina and Emma talks about Cora with her. I am not really listening because I enjoy having Emma back. We leave Regina and go to David.


I am so glad that we are back. That I can hug Henry again. I have missed him so much. I will never leave him again. I am surprised that Regina saved us. "So your Mom. She is a hard piece of work", I tell the woman in front of me. "That she is" she answers. I can see that even talking must be difficult for her. I can partly understand why Regina became the way she is now. It surely isn't easy growing up with such a mother. But that doesn't excuse the things she did. I had a shit childhood too but I never thought about chasing a girl and blame her for something like beauty. I still regret that I gave Henry up. That's one of the reasons why I don't like Regina around him. She got to see his first steps and his first nightmare. His first day at school. I regret that I didn't see that. That I couldn't raise him. But I am here now and I won't let anything happen to my son. More importantly I will make sure that Regina doesn't hurt him again. With one last nod at Regina Henry and I leave. We make our way to David.


They all celebrate at Granny's. Not that it bothers me but I saved their precious Snow and her precious savior daughter. Well she hasn't done much saving related except for breaking my curse. I saved them and brought them back and the so called Charming's didn't even had the decency to ask if I wanted to join them. I risked my life bringing people back who I detest. But it doesn't matter. I would have said no anyway. I have more important things to do right now. For example, packing. Well I finished that just minutes ago and my stuff is already in the car. I am sitting in the dining room right now. With a glass cider in my hand and thoughts of Henry in my head. For him I will never be Regina, his mother. For him I am and will always be Regina, the evil queen. I don't matter to him anymore even though I raised him for the first ten years of his life. It seems like he forgot everything. All the good times we had. The ten years where I was only his mother. When he hadn't had this damn book. After he got that everything went downhill. And he forgot that I was and still am his mother. Although he doesn't see me as such anymore he is and will always be my son. I can't leave without some sort of good bye. I wrote him a letter and I can't decide if I should give it to him or just leave it at the mansion. Waiting for him to find it when he realizes that I have left. I choose the last option. I can't see him in the eye. Not now. Because if I do I know that I won't leave. I would stay and have to see him every day which would be torture. So I choose the last option. Originally I wanted to wait until I feel better. My body still hurts but I can't stay another minute in this god forsaken town. So I drink my cider, lock the doors. Go to my car and drive to the town line. Before I cross it I think back to better times. When I thought my happy ending would be here in Storybrooke. How wrong I was. Maybe I was never meant to find my happiness in this town with this people. People which turned out as a bunch of hypocrites in the end. Maybe my happy ending was across from that line? Far away from my past that I couldn't escape. Let's try a different town, different people, different me. Where my past doesn't haunt me. I made up my mind. One last look at my old life and Henry. After that I start the engine and finally cross the line and leave this damn town.

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