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"Hows it?" Ross nods down to my food as he chews his. Looking not so pleased with his "it's good" i smile. But make no effort  to shovel anymore down. Three mouthfuls is quite enough for now. I start to toy with it. Pushing the food around my plate with my folk. Feeling like a child that knows they're supposed to eat it all up, but can't. As though I'm gonna get a lecture for wasting. Ross sits watching, still chewing on the same bit of food "you want it?" i offer. Seeing as he doesn't seem happy with his choice of meal. He holds his hand out for my folk, then stands, moving his chair around the table so he's sat right next to me. He places one of his arms around the back of my chair. His arm almost touching my shoulder. But it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, or awkward. I like it. He begins to stab at the food on the plate. The concentration on his face makes me giggle. Then he tells me to open wide. I look at him confused. But do as he says. He slowly brings the food to my mouth, with a small smile planted across his face seeming pleased. I'm really not hungry. An i feel slightly sick right now. But i just can't resist him right now. I can't say no to him when he's being all cute and just Ross-like. I take a little of the pasta from the folk. He then takes it to his mouth and scrapes off the rest. His eyes never leaving mine as he does it slowly.

I see what he's doing. I know full well what he's doing. But it's just so... He's so... Hot! His eyes never leave mine. He gives me a look to say 'i know what it's doing to you. I know how you feel' As though he had this planned, to do this all along. My cheeks quickly heat. All my insides clench and scream at him to just have me now, here. He starts to grin at me. Like he's just had access into my thoughts. Knowing exactly what he's doing to me. An i begin to blush. Droping my head in embarrassment. I shouldn't be feeling like this. Not now. Not like.. this

"Hey" he brings my face back up to his level, using his finger, lifting my chin. He slowly begins to move closer to me. His face close to mine "proud of you" he whispers before nodding down to the plate. He smiles then closes his eyes. I mirror him, doing exactly that. His lips land on mine. Warm and soft. We both smile into the kiss. Neither os us attempting to stop. Both getting lost in the kiss

"You doing here?" we're rudely interupted. Ross pulls away from me, clearly a little annoyed and embarrassed from our interuption "George" he clears his throat then gives him a single nod, shuffling back in his seat, putting a bit of distance between us but then puts his arm back around me. In a claiming kind of way.

Without being asked or invited, George pulls a chair out at our table, taking a seat before telling the blonde girl he's with - who he just left stood there for a while - to do the same. She smiles down at us all before taking a chair. She throws me an apologetic look then smiles across at me, knowing they're disturbing us.

George and Ross fall deep into conversation, leaving me and... this chick, sat in awkward silence. We exchange small smiles a few times, but neither of us make any effort to speak or start a conversation of our own. The silence becomes a little too much, I'm just about to tell the girl i like her dress when I'm cut off by George drumming his hands on the table "what we having to drink? I wanna get wrecked" he shouts far louder than necessary "white wine please" she says, shyly "Bout you gorgeous?" he leans into me, grinning. Automatically i laugh out from his choice of words, but then i clear my throat when he frowns at me, obviously not getting what amused me "I don't drink. Thanks though" i smile at him before taking my attention back to Ross who's watching with an amused look on his face too "don't be boring. Just have one" he nods to me, trying to get me to agree "i really can't" i giggle as he starts checking the wine menu.

I'm surprised he's not noticed my belly already. I think he's about to complain again when Ross cuts him off "she said she can't" he gives him a stern back-off kind of look. Then smiles down at me before pulling me even closer to him. I may aswell be sat on his knee now. I have to lean right over just so he can reach me. He kisses the top of my head then puts his arm around my front so it rests on my belly. That's when George realises as he points down to where Ross's hand is. His eyes go wide but then he starts to chuckle "Ooh" he nods, amused at something "yeah, right. Pregnant chick. Lad!" he nods at Ross, grinning, before taking his attention back to the wine list.

"I have a nickname?" i lean into Ross, scowling up at him playfully. He just shrugs laughing. But then i begin to panick a little "who knows about us?" i ask as i sit myself up properly in my chair.

"Er..." he scratches his head, looking at George to see he's now occupied. Attached to blondeys face "all of them. But they don't know it's you" he rushes the last part out

"Matty?" i ask biting my lip, trying not to pancik too much. Not that it really matters if he knew. It's non of his business really. I know he'll find out sooner or later. I'd just rather keep it quiter, for now.

"Can't see how" i nod back. Happy with his answer. I really don't wanna ruin tonight by talking or even thinking about him.

"Can we go?" i don't want to ruin his night. I know his mate's just arrived. But Ross came with me. And George should really focus and pay the girl he came with some attention as she sits there biting her nails bored. The waiter walks over our way with a tray full of drinks. An i just know we won't be going anywhere for a long while yet. "Just gonna go to the bathroom" i inform Ross before i stand from my chair.

George dodges to the opposite side of me, quickly "woah! Nearly knocked me out with that!" he points across to my belly, laughing loudly. But i don't find it funny. It's anything but... I don't say anything. I just quickly walk off. Annoyed, hurt and slightly embarrassed from his comment. I turn back quickly, seeing Ross slap the back of George's head with an annoyed expression on his face "ow! What?" George compains rubbing his head. Which instantly cheers me up a little. Just from having someone who generally cares about me. Who understands and doesn't judge me. I smile back at Ross who throws me a full teethed, goofy smile back.

I sit back down, listening in on Ross and George's conversation "don't say anything though" George points at Ross with a finger, serious-like "but Matt's cheated on Gem" Ross stifens, clearly uncomfortable from already knowing and having to pretend he's non the wiser. I turn quickly. Trying to block out now what they're saying. George takes a big swig off his whiskey, clearly drunk at this point "said he's got some girl pregnant" he shrugs, but annoyance is on his face. Ross snaps his head at me and quickly i shake my head at him. Hoping he gets i mean for him to keep this quiet. Just between us.

"Shit" Ross plays along. Beginning to shuffle about, acting.. odd. Because he's having to lie. For me. I glance back at George nodding in agreement to Ross's comment "said he's not sticking around though. I don't blame him to be honest" Ouch. "Gemma knows and she's clearly not happy. It'll be some slutty home wrecker most probably" he laughs. Again, ouch. I drop my head. Taking in every word he's saying. Ross reaches out, aiming to place his hand on my leg but i quickly turn away. I don't wanna be touched. I don't even wanna be looked at. I feel about an inch tall right now. I silently wish to turn invisible.

"Poor girl" blondey speaks for the first time

"I know. You can't imagine how Gem must be feeling" George takes another mouthful from his glass

"No. The pregnant girl" she tells him with an annoyed expression across her face. George just shrugs. An my wish fails to come to true as he brings his attention to me. I panic.

"So what happened with you? Where's the dad?" he asks me, being full on

"George!" Ross shakes his head at him in a way to back off

"It's fine" i tell Ross with a fake smile. I need to get used to this question being asked. I shrug, like it's no big deal "he just doesn't want anything to do with it" i tell him with another fake smile

"Arsehole" blondey speaks up again. Offering me a friendly smile when i look over at her direction. I like her.

"That one's probably Matty's too" he laughs over the top. Clearly cracking himself up with his joke

But that's enough for me. I've heard enough. I need to leave. Now.

"I'm gonna get going" i stand

"I'll come too" he attempts to stand

"No." i cut him off "You stay with your wonderful friend" i say sarcastically, mocking him, throwing George a cold glare

"Cheers to that!" george holds his glass up before finishing the rest of his drink

"Honestly. I'm fine" i tell him. He's clearly not happy, but he doesn't add anything else on. "Was nice to meet you" i tell the girl before leaving quickly. Before these tears escape.

Love Child... //Matty Healy (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora