Chapter 61-

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(The next day) --- // Matty's p.o.v---

My hand thumps and bangs against the door again. And again. Each one harder, more frustrated. I'm not fucking leaving till someone answers this door.

"I mean it. I'm not leaving this time!" I promise through the door. I haven't a fucking clue what's going on. Why she left. Where's she's gone. Why she's ignoring me. But I'm finding out now. She can't ignore me forever.

My fist attacks the door again. Running out of options. The longer I'm left in the unknown, the more I'm freaking out. "I'll break the door-" the door swings open suddenly, revealing an angry looking Emma. Glaring at me like she could throw a punch any second... "down" I finish and then clear my throat. Waiting to hear what she has to say.

It's obvious she fucking knows something. So just come and say it.

But she doesn't. Her arms are thrown over her chest, folding them with an arched brow as if to ask what the hell I'm doing. Like she really needs an explanation!

"I need to see her!" I attempt to push past her to get inside. This needs to stop now. There's a baby back in that hospital, her baby, fighting for her life. And she just ups and leaves. What the hell does she think she's doing?

Her hands fly up to my chest, stopping me in my tracks and forcing me back out again, causing me to stumble. "She's not here" she shouts. Anger slowly oozing from her. And if looks could kill.... Bang!

How stupid does she think i am?

I scoff under my breath with an eye roll. She can't stop me from seeing her. And she's not going to. "I said... I need to-"

"She's not fucking here, Matthew!" She spits. Raising her voice louder. And It's then i take note of her face. Her eyes are swollen, puffy, pink. Her cheeks damp and streaked with make up. She quickly swipes her hand across her cheek before dropping her head, realizing I've just noticed her appearance. 

Panic hits me. Why is she crying? Is it something to do with Ell? I don't want to believe her. She has to be here. Where else could she be?

I force my way past her again while she's not looking, almost knocking her off her feet as i push past to get in. "I don't believe you" I shout as i make my way to her bedroom.

My eyes scan around her empty room the second the door is flung open. The doors to her wardrobe, left wide open. And now bare. Her top draw yanked and left out. I take in a sharp breath and practically run over, pulling the rest of her draws open. Each one revealing.... nothing. Empty.

I turn swiftly. I don't even know what I'm looking for. But i don't stop. I grab her duvet from the bed, and rag it to the floor.

This isn't fucking happening.

"I told you" Emma's voice sounds from the door way. Only this time, it was weaker. Almost a whisper. Her gaze still on the carpet. "She'd gone before I could get to her. I was away for a few weeks" I close my eyes, listening to her trail on. "I didn't even know she was in hospital until she text" Her voice almost brakes. And it hits me in the chest. Guilt. Regret. I never thought of informing her about the accident.

I force myself to stop torturing myself and taking the blame. Taking in a shaky breath, i ask her what i need to know. "Where is she, Em?" I have to know. For our child's sake, more than anything.

She shakes her head. Still refusing to look up. Pain visible across her face.

It doesn't matter how many times i tell myself to calm down. Each second that passes I'm losing it. I'm freaking out. Going mad.

Love Child... //Matty Healy (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now