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I check the time on my phone again for the hundredth time. He said "your appointments at ten:fifteen. Be there for ten. I'll be waiting" it's now ten past! "excuse me" i speak up to the lady at reception "do you have the time please?" maybe it's wrong on mine "it's ten past ten" she offers me a small smile before getting back to what ever i distracted her from. Where the hell is he?! I start to fidget, feeling sick. An i know its nothing to do with the pregnancy this time. I'm scared to death. There's three other people in the waiting area with me. A girl, in her school uniform. Sat with tears visibly running down her face then a man an women who i presume is her parents. Her father sat reading a news paper, clearly not interested in the slightest. And the woman is applying more lipstick to her face. Yet she still looks angry. The girl see's me looking over, i give her a friendly smile. Receiving one back from her. Poor girl! Before i have chance to think about or do anything else, a women who i guess is a midwife, comes out of a dark room, calling my name "er, yeah" i raise my hand "that's me" i tell her, my voice so quiet i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't hear me. She smiles over at me "if you'd like to come through" she steps to the side for me to walk into the dark room. I set off walking, slowly. Turning back one last time to see if he'd arrived yet. But no. Of course not. This was probably his plan all along. Get me to agree then... Job done. I walk into the small, dark room. Noticing a bed, with a white sheet on, and a computer with a big screen "okay" she claps her hands together "lets get started" she smiles "if you'd like to just take a seat an I'll explain the procedure to you, just so you know how things are running" she holds her hand out gesturing for me to sit on the bed, "o-okay" i stutter "so, first pregnancy?" she asks. I nod. I seem to of lost my voice "oookay" she seems to write that down "okay. So first off we will be doing a scan, just to see how far along you are so we know which is the safest procedure. I gather you knew to drink water before you came?" she asks, smiling, being all overly friendly again. I shake my head again. I didn't know i had to. No one told me! "not to worry. She grabs a plastic cup an goes off to fill it with water. I'll give you the water, drink as much as you can. The more you drink the clearer it will be to see what we need to. Then I'll call you back in fifteen mins or so. Sound good?" i just nod. This is really happening.

Matty's p.o.v --

I knock on my dads door, well bang. He starts to complain "alright alright, keep your bloody hair on" he shouts towards the door before he gets to answering it "Matthew. What a nice surprise!" he smiles down at me "alright dad? Can i come in?" i scratch my head. I need to get this done asap! "of course son. Come on" he walks back into the room. In his usual chair, right in front of the t.v "so what do i owe for this pleasure?" he jokes. It has been a couple of weeks since i last saw him. But he knows how it is "need a chat dad" i shuffle on my seat, taking my jacket off "well, more like advice" i wait for him to figure how to switch the damn t.v off with the remote "er dad, I'm sort of in a rush" i lightly chuckle "shoot" he encourages me to talk "okay. Er,..." i shuffle again "okay" i clear my throat. Becoming all fidgety "was you and mum, er, you know.. Together when you had me" he coughs out a bit surprised at my sudden interest "what you mean?" i scratch my head "i mean like, well i know you wasn't married. But was you together?" i ask quickly. I do need to hurry this up "aye sort of. We'd only dated a couple of times. You know, nothing serious or anything" he coughs again "you've er, not got that Gemma girl pregnant have you son?" he looks over all serious at me "no dad" i say straight away. Because its not a lie. Its not Gemma I've got pregnant "but you liked mum, right?" i rub my palms over my jeans as they become sweaty quickly "well aye, obviously. You've gotta like someone to.. Well, you know" he looks at me awkward. If it wasn't because of these circumstances I'd probably be laughing right now "you never thought about leaving her when you found out she was pregnant?" i ask, eager to know quickly "oh i did" he chuckles as though he's reminiscing it "i didn't speak to her for weeks at first" he laughs again then starts coughing - smokers cough "but?" i need more info "but you know... Its just as much the mans responsibility as it is hers at the end of the day. Us men have it easy. You gotta remember that son. They're the ones who have to go through all the emotions an all the change. I realised i had to step up. And be there, not only for your mum, but for you aswell" he smiles like he's remembering the good days "and?" "and what?" he laughs again "what's it like?..." i ask. He keeps giving me a funny look. Like he knows exactly why I'm asking. But he doesn't mention anything "the day you were born was the best day of my life" he says with a stern nod. "i thought you'd say that" i smile, getting up to throw my jacket on quickly. "somewhere to be son?" he asks as he picks a bit of food out of his mouth "yeah. I'm in a rush" i rush towards the door "Matt?" my dad calls out just as i open the door "do the right thing lad. Me an your mum raised you right. You know, to respect women and be a gent. A real man" i stop. Smiling at his words "cheers dad!" i shout before i leave.

I've gotta stop this before it's too late!

Love Child... //Matty Healy (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora