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I look down at my watch, again. Seriously. This is ridiculous... i can't get a word in. It's like they're new BFF'S. Jesus mum. Breathe... She hasn't shut up for the past hour. Anyone would think they had something going on. Like, boyfriend and.. you know what.. doesn't matter. Matty keeps looking over at me, looking at me watching them both. Offering me a friendly, genuine smile everytime he see's me while he sits patiently. Listening to my mum waffling on about anything and everything she can think of. I keep giving him apologetic looks, trying to apologise for her being like this, over the top. Anyone would think I'd never had a boyfriend before. Even though I've only ever had the one. And mum hated him! I expect matty to be freaking out now. But he genuinly doesn't seem to mind.

An me neither, really. Keeps her off my back. Until she keeps randomly bringing up, baby stories of me and embarrassing childhood moments. God, mother. Chill out. We're actually not together. If only you knew. He doesn't need to know i once ran around the front graden, at three years old. With one of your thongs on, asking what it was, shouting "I'm bat man!" ... Could today actually get any worse. She wont even let me get up and leave. Everytime i attempt, i get yanked back down. Made to sit and stay quiet, sat next to her... He's heard enough. Is she trying to scar me for life!

"I've got some amazing baby pictures of her too" she gasps. "I'll bring them, next time" she promises him, a little too over excited. Fat chance. There isn't gonna be a "next time" unlucky for you.... and, me i guess. She laughs, that really fucking, annoying high pitched laugh.. what's even funny? What is she doing, apart from trying to humiliate me!? I mock her, fake laughing along next to her.. while she can't see. Matty looks to the side, noticing. Trying to hold is laughter in at me.

Why the hell has he even done this? Helped me out like this? It makes no sense... he didn't have to do this. Fake a relationship with me. Claim to be my boyfriend. For what? To stop me getting into trouble with my own mother. What's it to him? Why's it matter so much... It doesn't. Well, it shouldn't.

"Anyway, mum" i lean into her before i jump up quickly so she can't stop me again "we have things planned so" i motion towards the door. Trying to get to click on to just leave already. Matty's played hero enough for now. Party's over!

"O-okay darling" she stands to her feet, still.. looking at Matty "Well, it was lovely to meet you" she beams at him. He holds his hand out again to shake. But my mums not having any of that this time, she grabs him, pulling him in for a full on hug. I turn around, beyond embarrassed right now. I turn around again to face them, after about ten seconds, Matty just hanging there, lifeless, uncomfortable.

"Mum!" i shout at her "for god sakes, let him go!" i complain. She giggles, then pulls away

"It's just lovely to finally meet a nice guy for my baby girl" she turns, brushing her hand down my hair

"Muuum!! i complain again, trying to dodge her touch. I'm not nine anymore. Seriously. Leave!

"Okay darling" she speaks to like a child again, pouting her lips, trying to attack me with kisses as he pulls me in for a hug this time. I roll my eyes but allow her to assault me with affection, just this once. She places her hand on my belly "you look after yourself" she plants a kiss on my cheek "and you" she turns to point to Matt "you take care of them both. You hear me" she points a finger at him. Now taking on the protective father roll. He nods, with a chuckle.

"Sorry" i mouth to him when she turns to head for the door. He shakes his head with a smile like its no big deal.

"call me later, okay?" she shouts as she opens the door

"Will do" i shout back, watching her leave. She slams the door shut. Now i can relax! I drop onto the sofa, throwing my hand onto my forehead "woooow" i complain. Taking in a deep breathe.

He planks down next to me, picking up my legs to place them over his legs "wasn't so bad" he teases with a lugh

"You're kidding right?" i ask gob smacked "i thought she was gonna ask to move in" i sigh. I wouldn't put it past her. I think I'd of prefered her to be pissed and shouting than that. That was just.. too much "anyway" i turn to face him "what was with... that?" i ask him, confused and really curious to know

"what?" he aks like he genuinely doesn't have a clue  what I'm talking about. Seriously?

"That?" i waft my hands around. As if to say 'the obvious'

"Just helping a friend out" he smiles at me, a full teethed, goofy smile

"Riiight" i hold it on "friend" i repeat. Trying not to sound too disappointed. Disappointed that he was claiming and pretending to be my boyfriend not only five minutes ago. An i kinda, well, yeah, i did... i liked it. I can't even lie. Holy shit. I liked it!

"Well, no" he pauses, staring at me "not friend... we're not friends are we, we're-" he stops, cut off when his phone rings. He shocks me by throwing my feet off of him so they fly back onto the floor. He stands quickly, to answer it.

I look at him, shocked. Annoyed. Fuck your phone. What was you gonna say? We're, what? What the hell are we then?....

He walks a way intot he kitchen area. An i don't even need any guesses at who it is. Just from the change in his tone. the way he speaks. I know it's her... So party's definitely over... An i can't help but feel disappointed. Hurt....

I don't wanna feel like this. I have to stop myself feeling like this. But how can i? When one minute he's all 'no Ellise' then he's like 'I'm gonna fuck you Ellise. Right here. On the kitchen top and....'

"What's wrong?" he stands back in front of me, interupting my thinking, leaving me slightly red faced....

"Nothing" i lie. But i pull it off when he doesn't add anything on

"Okay, well... i gotta go" he points the door behind him. Seeming fine with that. It's not like we have anything we need to discuss. I should tell him. I should be like 'i don't think so Mr. We have stuff that needs talking about' But nooo. I bite my tongue. As usually. An watch him head for the door.

"Your- You forgot her flowers" i notice them on the side. I run over, picking them up to take back to him

"Oh, thanks" he smiles. I turn to walk back away from him but he stops me

"Here" he holds them, looking a little uncomforable as he scratches the side of his head with his free hand

"For me?" i ask, innocently, but genuinely surprised. He just nods with a smile "Wow" i take them "thanks"

"Er-" he leans in, like he's going to kiss my cheek. But then leans back, moving to the other side. He plants a kiss on my cheek, soft and slow "You're welcome" he tells me with shy smile before he leaves through the door.

I watch the door close behind him. Watching at the door...

"I think i love you" i whisper out loud.

------  I've had a few to drink so, bare with spelling mistakes. Ha! I'm out all day tomorrow. So sunday. I'll update a few chapters :) LoveLoveLove! xXx

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