Ch.15 - So... That's how this feels...?

Start from the beginning

But that meant... he had to talk to you. Be honest about how he was nearly terrified about this. He had no clue what was wrong with him and if this would only affect him. He didn't want you to worry... but as a result, he was worrying you more and himself when he was just now beginning to realize the massive amount of shit that was piling up for him to deal with.

Marriage, missing mark, a villainous trio... three home runs back to back... and he only wanted to find a small piece of metal with a gem. As if that was the most important thing at this moment.

His fingers felt a cool metal substance as he traced over the frills of the carpet and he closed in on the ring. Eyes looking relieved once he saw that it was back in his grasp and then soon... back in the drawer between his phone, books, and photos from you.

He sighed, hearing the sounds of the footsteps once more stop at the door. And with his ring for you once more in a safe and shielded area where nothing could get it or hurt it... he knew it was time to finally confront you on these issues.

Or at least... two of them.

Now was not the time to bring up the ring. Not when he could feel the looming uncertainty on the horizon. He'd save it again... instead trying to get through this. And it would start with him opening the door and saying it to you.

With a deep breath, he did so, seeing your eyes widen at him and then sink below to not look at him. You were unsure... he could have guessed that much.

"Katsuki... can we talk?" You asked him, fidgeting a bit.

"Yeah..." He breathed out. "Let's talk..."

The steps to the living room felt so much further away then they had before. The usual walk that took less than thirty seconds seemed endless and by the time Bakugou had taken a seat on the couch, you were already pacing back and forth.

His eyes looking down at his knees, not noticing how you were scratching the marks on your neck, irritation in your eyes as you tried to remain calm. You couldn't deny it though... the anger that was pulsing through you and how you felt so... so betrayed.

The marks on his neck were gone. How could he leave you out on that? You were sure they were there when he left for Finland... and so that meant whatever 'freak accident' had occurred... he had made it so you wouldn't find out what it really was.

"Stop pacing." Bakugou spoke, the sound of your constant shuffling digging into his already strained nerves more than he thought they should.

You didn't stop, rather, you didn't hear him at all. Still too absorbed into your own little world to truly see or hear him beyond that he was near you. Your head was spinning too fast and your throat was dry.

With this new thing having come onto the surface... the weight was finally causing the thin ice you walked upon to begin to crack. And with one more single added item... it would all collapse into the icy depths below and you'd be reduced back to the mindstate from two years ago where you didn't care... a lie was a lie.

And Bakugou had committed a numerous count in the past weeks.

Suddenly your pacing was stopped, a harsh grip on your shoulder making you stop. It didn't hurt at all, but it was clear the owner of the hand was slowly losing himself to his own emotions as well.

"I said stop pacing dammit!" Bakugou snapped, having never been one fond of being ignored and with the tension... had snapped before either you or him realized.

And with the first words spoken above a whisper and with his usual tone seeming that much more harsh in this moment... the weight of all your problems had snapped as well. And you shoved his hand off of you, throwing your hand out and looking at him with a fire of your own in your eyes.

Blood Union (A Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader Soulmate AU) (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now