Chapter Forty-One

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Alexis's POV

*Three Months Later*

I was sitting at a table with my shirt partially off. I was getting a tattoo on my ribs. It was Colby's saying. Take Chances. As soon as they finished. I got up and walked off.  I went back to my room and sat down in my cell. A guard suddenly came to the door. "Alexis, you got a visitor." I looked over and nodded getting off my bunk. He escorted me out and to the courtyard. I seen Colby and screamed. The guards looked.

Colby smiled at me. I ran over and jumped on him. He held me and I hid my face in his chest as he held me from under my legs. We sat down and he rubbed my back and kissed my cheek. "You know your not allowed to do that right?" I nodded and shrugged it off. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close to me. I felt tears start to run down my cheeks.

He looked at me and started wiping them. "Listen, you are going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine, just calm down, I'm here." He rubbed my back and we had a while because I was a good prisoner. It was my first offense but I still got arrested. My cell mate came walking in. She spotted me and then looked at Colby.

She was.....weird but nice. She sat down at a table with a girl. They were talking. Colby slid over a few pictures he'd taken. I looked at them and smiled. "Thank you." He nodded. "I'm so sorry baby." I shook my head and cut him off my kissing his lips. He kissed back and I felt his hands wrap around my waist. It was a passionate kiss. Slow and sweet. I rested my head in his shoulder and gripped his sweatshirt. He kissed my forehead. "I'll be home soon, I promise." He hugged me and the guards came over.

"Alright sweet cheeks, you guys can go to a separate room because this is not allowed here." It was my favorite guard. She watched my videos and knows I had no intentions. She was even working on getting me out early. She took us to a closed off room and let us go inside. She shut and locked the door. I seen her silhouette outside the warped glass.

I felt my body smash against the wall and his lips crashed into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as her held me close by my waist. He held me close and we continued to kiss, our lips moving in sync. We then sat down on the floor and I was in his lap. I was so tired that I fell asleep in his arms. His body keeping me warm.

Colby's POV

I was currently holding Lexi in my arms as she slept against my chest. This was the first time I seen her since she got arrested. Sam dragged me here. I'm glad he did because I feel so much better. I rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead. Her soft snores filled the room. I closed my eyes for a second as I held her. I whispered sweet nothing even though she was asleep. I felt her move a bit and her face was in my neck. Her body shivered and I held her closer to me.

Her body was a bit cold, but then again, it was cold here. I rocked her as she slept in my arms. I heard a click and looked up at the door. The guard came in and gave me a small smile. "She loves you very much ya know." She said as she closed the door. "I love her too." I said as I smiled down at her small frame. "I can tell, it's the look you guys give each other, how long have you guys been together?" I hugged her close. "A little over three months. I asked her out on the Dubai trip, right after we sky dived." She smiled and shook her head.

"She was right, you're a romantic. Keep her, she is the one." I looked at the guard and nodded smiling. "Well, visiting hours is over, we need to get her to her cell." I nodded and gently shook her. "Baby, wake up." She groaned and I chuckled. "Baby, wake up, I have to go." She opened her eyes and I seen a tear. I wiped it and kissed her forehead after we stood up. Before she could leave, I pulled her into a long, warm hug. Her body was trembling as she cried. I rubbed her back and kissed her temple. "I'll come everyday if I can, get some rest beautiful." We separated and she went back to the cell.

I was escorted out and seen Sam waiting. He seen me coming and smiled. He knew I was happy. "How is she?" He asked. "Still amazing as ever. One of the guards let us go to a separate room and she fell asleep in my arms for like an hour." He smiled and nodded. "Good, we can come back the next time visiting hours is up." I nodded my head and we walked out of the jail and to our car. We sat down and I watched the building get smaller as we leave it.

She was coming home. She is coming home. Everything is okay. Everything is alright. I kept repeating in my head as we drove away. Nothing more was in my mind besides her. I went up to my room when we got home and I shut the door. I laid in bed and went to sleep with happy thoughts.

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