Chapter Forty

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Alexis's POV

The Hearing

"The Jury made their final decision, you are hear by sentences six months in jail along with a two thousand dollar fine." He slammed the the post and everyone started exiting. I got up and they gave me a minute. My mom, dad, brother, and sister all ran up to me. They gave me a hug and I had tears. They soon left and Colby walked up to me. He wasn't recognized.

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I'm so sorry." He had tears streaming down his cheeks. I wiped them and kissed his lips. "It's okay, everything will be okay, I'll be home soon, I promise." I grabbed him in a hug and didn't want to let go. He gave me another kiss and we were separated.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I was escorted to the cop car and driven to the jail. I didn't want him to do anything stupid. I felt bad. "I'm so sorry." I whispered as they put me in the cell. I sat down on the bed and the cell mate looked at me. "You're a young one, small, cute, fragile." I looked at her and she smiled slightly. "What are you in here for?" I ignored her question and pulled my knees to my chest as tears ran down my cheeks. "Ah, I know that cry, you got a special one back at home." I looked at the corner of the wall and just kept quiet.

"Well, if you feel like talking, I'm right here." She said as she laid back and read. I turned my back towards her and looked at the wall. I ran my fingers along the wall. I felt a pain in my chest and more tears ran down my cheeks.

Colby's POV

I was laying in my bed, staring at the wall as music played through my ears. Tears fell down my cheeks. She was gone for six months and it's all my fault. I screamed and threw a glass cup at the wall. It shattered as it hit the wall and I heard footsteps run towards the door. I screamed and started sobbing. I shut off my phone and laid in bed. I didn't want to eat, nothing. All that ran through my mind was Alexis.

Her smile, the way she laughed, her eyes, her touch. I felt my chest ache and got up. I opened my door and seen Sam. He was looking at me. "Hey Colby you alr.." I cut him off and ran down the stairs. I heard him and all the other roommates chasing me. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I got in my car and started it. I sped off out of the gate and just drove. I didn't stop until I found myself at Brennen's house.

I got out of the car and walked into his house. He walked out into the living room and seen me. "Oh my God Colby, what's wrong?" My eyes were red and my face was puffy. I couldn't talk and I just broke down. I felt my chest heave as I thought about Alexis and what happened. "She got arrested, it's my fault." His eyes widened and her got closer and rubbed my back. The tears rolled down my cheeks and I wanted it all to end.

She was gone and I needed her, she was my happiness. I clenched my jaw and fists. He brought me to a empty parking lot with a bunch of glass and gave it to me. I started smashing everything and screamed to the top of my lungs. "She hates me!" I dropped to my knees and coughed as I felt myself become weak. I passed out.


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