Chapter 21 Shy and Awkward

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Elaines P.O.V.

I wake up to an empty bed and the smell of freshly brewed coffee invading my nose. I take a big inhale and stretch out. I don't want to get up, I'm so comfy! It's the best sleep that I've had since I got to London. I hear footstep shuffling outside my room. I quickly throw the covers over me and pretend to be asleep. I hear slight knocking then the door creaks open and footsteps continue until they stop right at the bedside. I peep an eye out to see a tray placed beside me on the nightstand. I am tempted to uncover myself and say good morning but I am a little embarrassed, obviously last night was uncalled for. I just wanted to see Harry, correction my drunk self wanted, okay needed to see him.

I hear the footsteps lightly recede and the door shut quietly

I throw the covers off of me and sit up to see what he brought me. *Ahem* I quickly turn to see Harry standing by the door, he pretended to leave. I silently face palm waiting for him to say anything.

"Uh good morning?" I whisper to him, hiding my face in my hands. I peek to see him walk over to the bed he gestures toward it with his hand and asks "May I?".

"Yeah of course." I say scooting over. 

"Good Morning." he says removing my hands from my face and placing them down by my sides, he smiles up at me "How did you sleep?".


"Me too." he replies.

"Listen.. about last night-

"Don't" he interrupts lifting his hand which causes me to flinch slightly. I really need to work on that. I flinch for everything out of habit with my mom but not everyone is like her.

"Sorry." He sighs realizing he caused me to flinch. "Elaine?" I glance up at him, he is so handsome. I just want to straddle him and kiss his neck and hug him and ugh. "Elaine?" Oh crap! "Yes?" I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I can't get distracted like that.

"If you don't mind me asking, I have a rather, well a bit, Actually- you see I would assume.."

I giggle at his nervousness. I'm the one who is suppose to be shy and awkward not him! "Harry! What is it?"

"Well I would just like to know, why it is that you flinch as often as you do? I assume that it has to deal with something personal and if so then I would understand if you would rather not share I was-

I grab his hand and rub over it with my thumb softly reassuring him "Harry it's fine." I smile up at him before continuing. "There's not much, just my mother, she wasn't exactly the greatest." I quietly let out hoping that'll be enough information for him to catch on. Which of course it is. "I see" is all he responds.

Harry then gets up, grabs the tea that he brought and hands it to me "Here this should make you feel better." He smiles as he turns to head out. "Also, once you are done, freshen up I would like to take you somewhere."

My heart pauses in my chest as I almost spit up my tea. I nod hoping that it was not totally obvious that what he just said almost killed me. Where are we going!? How exactly do I freshen up? It's not like I packed any clothes when I randomly decided to have him pick me up and stay the night.

Another knock interrupts my worries and as if on queue Harry peaks his head and assures "Oh don't worry about your clothes. We'll stop and pick something up for you" once again throwing me off guard I nod and then glance around the room, how in the ... I swear he can read my mind or something.

Harry HartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora