Chapter 12 Feeling Chatty

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Harry hands me my paper. "Thanks" I reach for it and he notices my scraped hand. He grabs my wrist to exam it "what happened? Are you okay?" He asks inspecting my hand. I pull it away. "It's fine really, just a scrape." His eyes widen when he sees my knee. "You're bleeding"

"I'm sure it looks worse than what it is"

"Do you need help? Where are you headed?"

Someone is feeling chatty. I shove my notes into my bag and dust myself off. "I'm just walking back to my place."

"Walking!?" He questions in disbelief.

I nod, placing my hands on my hips. Harry looks me up and down. "Not like that." He points to my injuries. I roll my eyes, I'm honestly fine I mean I've been.. "Let me give you a lift." he orders, interrupting my thoughts."What? No. No. no no no" I chuckle nervously. "It's fine, I'm I'm n-n-not that far. Really I can uh I can walk." I clear my throat. I hate how easily intimidated I am by him.

I begin walking past him and he grabs my wrist, turning me so I am now facing him. "Elenie, i am not letting you walk home like that." He warns, in a tone sending chills down my back. I shake them off. "Okay fine, lead the way." He smiles before grabbing my bag, then leading us to his car.

I am glad Harry insisted on driving me, my knee is killing me. It actually looks a lot worse than i thought. Once we arrive Harry rushes over to open the door for me. "Fuck" i whisper to myself, trying to get out. "You need help?" He asks. "I'm okay." I smile, trying not to admit that it hurts. "Here, let me just" Harry slips my bag onto his shoulder, then swoops me up Into his arms. "Oh my god!" I laugh. "Better?" He questions walking me up the stairs to my door. I don't respond. This Is embarrassing, i feel myself blush and try to hide my face with my hair. He gently sets me down and i search my bag for my key.

"Would you like a drink?" I ask Inviting him in. He thinks about it for a moment before stepping in. " Im going to get cleaned off, but uh make yourself at home and ill be right back." He nods looking around my apartment. I limp down the hallway and I hear him holler "Oh! Elaine?" I peek my head out "yes?" "I forgot to mention it to you earlier but, that is a lovely shirt you have on.". My eyes widen remembering that I'm wearing the shirt he bought for me. It's like he's purposely embarrassing me! That's fine i can attempt to play that game. I smirk "Yes, It is lovely. Was given to me after someone spilled tea all over me, then stalked me to my house to 'apologize'." I mock him and his mouth drops open. I giggle as i continue to my room to change.

I quickly throw on some running shorts and a black loose tank top then head back into the living room/kitchen. I grab two glasses and pour some water into them. I hand one to Harry as i sit on the small chair across from him. He points to my knee with one finger as he takes a drink. "You should really wash that off, don't want it getting infected." Yeah i meant to clean my wounds but I forgot, considering that the guy I've been dreaming about is sitting in my living room. Even worse on the couch where he had me pinned under him. My cheeks warm at the memory. "Yeah, i forgot." Is all i manage to get out. "Where do you keep the first aid kit?" Harry asks standing up. "In the restroom, under the sink." I point down the hall, confused.

He returns within seconds and is now kneeling down on the floor in front of me. "May i?" He gestures to my leg. I move my head slightly up and down. He gently places his hand underneath my leg sending shivers through me. I take a large drink of my water, trying not to make it too obvious about the way he makes me feel. He carefully lifts my leg and begins to wipe it cautiously with the alcohol wipe. I squeeze my eyes shut trying not to hiss at the slight stinging. He's being extremely gently, he opens a band aid and places it lightly over my cut.

Massaging it so that it stays on smoothly. I inhale sharply at his touch, throwing my head back. I feel goosebumps forming on my arm. He looks up at me, his pupils dilating. I lick my lips wondering what it would feel like to have his lip softly brush against mine.

"Now let me see you hands." He demands opening his hand so I could place mine in his. I feel a small tingle as we touch. I have a feeling he felt it too because he hesitates to continue to touch me. Once he is finished cleaning me, he picks everything up and tosses it. "All fixed." He scrunches his face into a smile and I feel my heart melt. "Thank you".

it's short chapter! I'm sorry! But please comment away and let me know what you guys think! Be brutally honest. I don't mind lol! Thank you guys for reading!

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